Your full attention is necessary when you practice new and unfamiliar ways of behaving intimately and sexually. The focus and precision of your attention and investment in, is what provides for and allows you to move away from mindless sexual habits.
Optimal embodied learning involves guidance and feedback on your practice. As well as a variety of excellent resources. The best of which you will get from me- a wise, knowledgeable, highly trained, sexpert coach, educator and healing arts practitioner.
It’s time to dive into a custom program with immersive and somatic experiences and cutting-edge evolving curriculum to create and have your
Best Sex & Love Life!
For Individuals, Couples & other Partnerships.
In-Person &/Or Virtual.
This is the final frontier of your self-development-embodied, empowered, and expressed sexuality expanding consciousness.
Programs are where the deepest commitment and transformations happen.
When you plant a seed, you don’t eat the fruit the same day.
What one client had to say about his (virtual) program…
“Dear Sacha: As I review the past year I can’t express how thankful I am for all your love and encouragement. Under your guidance, I have learned how to really appreciate the erotic expressions of my body. Your patient coaching has taught me to experience the supreme pleasure of orgasm without the need to ejaculate and more recently, I am able to orgasm without an erection. After a recent coaching session, I had a continuous orgasm lasting more than 30 minutes. This was not a multi orgasmic event but a single long and building sense of extreme pleasure. Last night I realized I am not going into brief periods of sleep during self pleasure but it is a deep orgasmic level where I transcend the outer world. I am amazed! Furthermore I find your coaching sessions bring about deep inner work to address my entire life. After our sessions I am awake late into the night as I process many facets of my inner being to emerge renewed.
As I celebrate turning 71, I have realized a lifelong ambition. I have finally found someone to acknowledge and encourage expression of my sexuality, the core of my being. That is the greatest gift of all.”
*Jaiya’s Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Course & Platform (Erotic Freedom Club) Lifetime Premium Membership Access is included as a HUGE (2K!) bonus!!! To provide ongoing sex and intimacy education and coaching after your Best Sex & Love Life program is complete 🙂
Sacha’s 3 Signature Programs!
#1 Get Your Sex & Love Life Back!
“It is unfortunate that our culture leaves most people completely uneducated in the higher enjoyments and deeper bliss of sexuality.” -David Deida
Receive the guidance and support you need to clear and heal what’s holding you back from the sex, love, and life you want. I will provide you with the tools, practices, resources, and hands-on healing you need to move through challenges and issues. These sessions are a deep dive into releasing specific problems and opening up to more potential, play, and pleasure.
“Our (homeplay) sex date was SLOW. I allowed myself to receive from him. He spent a long time with light loving touches all over my body and I tuned into the sensations I was feeling and vocalized those. I asked for what I wanted. We did not have intercourse, but probably the most enjoyable cunnilingus I’ve ever had! I used my green word! And practiced sinking into the sensations and not ‘trying’ for anything. I had often avoided cunnilingus because I didn’t always orgasm. He typically would spent a lot of time just on my clit and with pressure. This time I asked for specific kinds of light licks all over my yoni and teasing and vocalized what my body was asking for. It was pretty amazing! After a lovely rest, I covered his lingam in chocolate syrup and had the most delicious breakfast appetizer!”
Get Your Sex & Love Life Back Now!
“I am really feeling our recent sessions. My DE is evolving into experiencing multiple ejaculations! Amazing!!!”
-satisfied male client in his 70’s
#2 Become A Better Lover
“When our intimate agreements are working our lives flow smoothly – we have more energy, are more passionate, and far more creative.”
Learn ancient and modern sex, intimacy and relationship skills and practices to improve your life and lovemaking, solo and partnered. An introduction to Tantra, the Art of Conscious Loving, the Art of Arousal, and new Secrets of Sexual Ecstasy are included.
Our focus will include increasing your daily ecstasy and orgasmic potential through more self-love, pleasuring and manifesting your goals through Sex Magic. Creating relationships that will actually empower, and give you more of you, while making your life easier, and more fun.
“My wife and I are in our mid-life. We have grown children who are in college. By all accounts, we have been in the midst of a Sexual Renaissance. We were having more sex and enjoying it more. Our minds were free from worry and our inhibitions were low. We saw Sacha’s ad and thought “can we take this bliss to the next level?” Sacha made us feel at home and comfortable in our first meeting. She was very respectful and professional. She listened intently to why we had sought her out and what we wanted to work on. It was clear through her words and empathy that she had worked with a lot of people who were not where my wife and I were, already having pretty amazing sex. She was patient and supportive and once she had a complete understanding of our intent, she collaborated with us on a plan to awaken and ignite those areas of our sex life that were malnourished. She set us out on a journey to find and marry energy to our physicality. She helped us expand our sexual knowledge and increase our pleasure, closeness, and sense of peace. We learned so many wonderful things it’s hard to articulate all of them here. We grew to respect and admire Sacha for her ability to help bring joy into people’s lives. If you think your sex life is at its peak and you cannot possibly know more or experience more, think about it…there is no ceiling to sexual and intimate bliss. This was money well spent and I hope you have the opportunity to learn from Sacha and expand your love life.”
-Happily Floating Above The Bed
#3 Be The Best Lover
“Thank you for changing our lives forever. Yesterday was pure ecstasy.”
-Another satisfied couple after a session immersion
“Sexual well-being can be enhanced by learning how to savor touching your partner, by knowing the pleasure places on your partner’s body, by learning to enjoy giving and receiving erotic massage, and by allowing touch to become intimate communication.”-Joseph Kramer
This is an intensive immersion into Tantra and other healing arts that will bring you into your power as a lover to the fullest.
We cover a range of basic to most advanced skills, techniques, and practices, catering to your level of experience and interest. Sexual energy awakening, empowerment and getting you to a new level of mastery as a lover in the bedroom and life are of primary focus.
You Receive In These 3 Programs:
Sessions for couples and/or individuals, in person and/or virtual
Custom designed homeplay programs
Email and/or phone follow-up after, and in between, sessions
Virtual follow up session(s) as needed upon completion of the program.
Simply Need A Romantic Getaway Weekend or Retreat? 
I will customize the perfect intimate weekend or retreat away for you!
A pleasure-filled experience that will be a reboot of your erotic energy and expansion into new possibilities.
“Running energy is an amazing awareness! I was sooooo high just from the exchange of energy I could have charged my phone if I touched my tongue to it! Haha.”
“The disharmonies often expressed in the form of nagging, may usually be traced to a lack of knowledge on the subject of sex. Where love, romance and the proper understanding of the emotion and function of sex abide, there is no disharmony between married people. “
“The entire subject of sex is one which the majority of people appear to be unpardonably ignorant.”
-Think and Grow Rich, Chapter 11 The Mystery of Sex Transmutation, The tenth step towards riches, p. 278-289,
by Napoleon Hill
Couple after a session in person…
“We came home and cooked a yummy dinner and went to bed early to finish the erotic game you taught us. A VERY fun night and today we made more time for pleasure with just us.
We are on a good path and look forward to your home play email.
Thanks for your guidance!”
“Yesterday, after a very fun day session, my wife said that she thought her G spot might be coming out of hibernation – and, she is excited to spend more time waking her up!!! (I think having dedicated time & focus is a big help. Additionally, your tip about pressure, not motion might have contributed). We are excited about and committed to this journey. Can’t wait for more homeplay & our next session!”
“I tried your self-pleasure meditation late Saturday and WOW. First, thank you for making that audio. That was the first time in my life that I’ve ever heard someone joyfully (and authentically, unlike porn) encourage me to find self-pleasure and make it seem sacred and good. I thought I didn’t have any hang-ups about masturbating because I’ve been doing it without a ton of hesitation or obvious guilt since I was 14, but I was wrong. I almost cried after my body calmed down because it was the first time I did it without rushing to immediately clean up all evidence and move on. Obviously, I cleaned up, but I gave myself like ten minutes to just completely relax before I got up. So…yeah, I did have shame around it.
Also, some of your suggestions to try were things I’d never thought of and had strong positive responses (tugging on/scratching my scrotum and rhythmically tapping or pushing on my perineum, using a circular stroke, clenching my PC muscle during a build toward the high end of the pleasure scale, rather than just in anticipation of pleasure when I first become aroused…). I was also always silent when masturbating except a quiet grunt at orgasm and, because you mentioned breathing and sounding several times, I caught myself holding my breath or shallow breathing and eventually was able to get into a much deeper breathing rhythm by moaning/sighing, and that really felt revelatory.
I had MUCH higher energy and was in the best mood I’ve been in since at least 2016 for almost two days. Going out with my brother in law and his wife on Sunday to see a movie and get dinner was actually fun, and not something I was doing just for his benefit. I didn’t get overstimulated by the crowd noise at the restaurant. I slept better (albeit way later than normal because I was so energized the previous night).
So…yea…that kind of blew my mind.”
“Went through a second round of self-pleasure meditation last night and HOLY HELL. I am not certain what qualifies as a non-pelvic orgasm, but the last ten minutes of the practice was far and away the best I’ve ever felt. There were at least three different waves (between periods where I backed off and worked the kegels) of super-intense full body shaking and a constant feeling that every nerve in my body was charged like crazy. I can only say I want to figure out a way to feel that way with my wife.”
-male, 42 two weeks into his program
“I wanted to share something personal with you because it’s been an eye opening experience for me and think it can be for many women. It’s not talked about enough. I have been on a journey for many years to open myself up sexually. There’s a lot of baggage there, and now that I am in post-menopause…ooh boy. That adds a whole other layer. I came across Sacha Fossa’s work (link to her website: Sacred Temple Arts) after watching “Sex, Love and Goop” on Netflix (which has gained some popularity in the mainstream). I was super intimidated by her photos initially and hesitated contacting her. Once I got up the nerve, we spoke on zoom and I loved her! She is incredibly sweet, kind, funny, brilliant, and has a huge wealth of knowledge and experience. She is helping me A LOT, in ways I never could have imagined.
I worked with her to learn more about the blueprints (from Jaiya on the show) and got so much more than that, in terms of her programs being custom designed. Her wish is that we all could release the sense of shame around simply working with someone for more sex and intimacy wellness, pleasure and expansion. I’m working on that release! And so I wanted to share this information with you to see if it resonates with anything you may want or need in your life, or if you know a woman (or man or couple, of any gender/sexual identity) that might be interested.
I HIGHLY recommend her.”
-Satisfied female half of couple in Program
Do you want more love and better sex?
Do you desire a more satisfying sex, and love life, partnered or not?
Discover how Sacred Temple Arts can help you get the sex & love life you really want!
"Highly sexed people always have a plentiful supply of magnetism."
"Sex desire is the most powerful of all human desires."
"The desire for sexual expression is inborn and natural. The desire cannot, and should not be submerged or eliminated. But it should be given an outlet through forms of expression which enrich the body, mind and spirit."
"Love, Romance, and Sex, are all emotions capable of driving (humans) to super achievement."
- Napoleon Hill
Ready for immediate access to an invaluable intimacy education that will uplevel your sex and love life, partnered or not?
*Check out Sacha’s video courses on HOT Topics such as The Erotic Blueprints™, Tantra, Sexual Healing & Awakening, Becoming A Master Lover, How To Become An Expert Kisser, How To Do Sex Magic, Giving Superior Cunnilingus, Best Fellatio For Her Pleasure, plus informative interviews and SO MUCH MORE! (*previously featured on my Binge network channel) for your…Best Sex & Love Life!
Here’s to your extraordinarily empowering sex education!
*Sacha's Sacred Temple Arts YouTube Channel 50+ videos for...
To Your Overall, Intimate & Erotic, Health, Wellness, Pleasure, Education, Empowerment & Expansion!
"I am getting so much from your videos! They are wonderful. I have been spent the last 2 years searching material from several lightworkers and none ever spoke to me like yours."
"Watched all of the rest of your fellatio videos tonite and shared much with my lover. This is having magnificent results on my confidence and reducing inhibition levels."
*For an introduction to the Erotic Blueprints™ & Sacred Temple Arts in general, click here*...