Sacred Temple Arts programs are custom designed to meet your individual needs.

My approach and services combine intimate and erotic arts with holistic healing and wellness practices, tools, and techniques.

Whether you are new to exploring your intimate side, or you are more advanced in this realm, Sacred Temple Arts support you in actualizing the erotic life you desire.

Through tailored coaching, cutting-edge sex and intimacy education (including tantra and the erotic blueprints), and an array of healing arts, (including energy and bodywork) you will…

-Awaken and cultivate your sexual energy!

-Create a holistic plan for your sexual health and well-being! 

Become an Erotic Connoisseur!

-Learn how to have more orgasms and how to live more orgasmically!

Sacred Temple Arts’ combination of erotic and healing arts brings you home to your body and to your authentic erotic expression, and naturally sexual self.

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Since Creating & Having More Options & Choices Is What Sacha & Sacred Temple Arts Is All About…I offer programs especially designed for you.

Based upon my Best Sex & Love Life, Erotic Blueprint & Healing Arts Offerings.

This is your invitation to  personalized support, sexually, soulfully embodied guidance and energy work-for your intimate and erotic life, partnered or not.

We can explore cutting edge sex education, sexuality, intimacy, relationships, dating, confidence, self-love, self-pleasure, orgasms, orgasmic expansion, tantra, erotic blueprints, holistic healing,  wellness and more.

No matter what your challenges are, there is more embodied pleasure, healing, expansion and agency available!

The whirlwind shitstorms in this reality require embodying more ease and joy, which is a sense of truly Being you.
And, there is so much inherent sexiness simply in Being more of YOU.

Let me guide you back home into your body and to creating better to the best in your sex and love.

I’m here to support, guide and celebrate you!

Your total monetary investment in my services depends on your level of desired attention and how long you are committed for.

Contact me to discuss the possibilities for a program that fits your lifestyle and budget. 

It is my pleasure to offer you such unique services!


Are you ready for monumental change through more pleasure?

To become one of the most organically and orgasmically turned on people on the planet?

With a higher intimate and erotic IQ than 99% of humanity?

 It’s time to create…


Best Sex & Love Life Programs

For Your Intimate & Erotic  Expansion!

Choose From These 5 Program Themes!

Choose From These 3 Signature Programs & Weekend Getaways 

Check Out My Specialty Sexification Program!

Erotic Blueprint™ Programs-

Mastery Through Jaiya’s Sex Languages+MORE!

*Jaiya’s Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Course & Platform (Erotic Freedom Club) Lifetime Premium Membership Access is often included as a HUGE (2K!) bonus to provide ongoing sex and intimacy education and coaching after a Best Sex & Love Life program with me is complete 🙂

These coaching sessions, programs and workshops are a deep dive into The Erotic Blueprints™ created by Jaiya. Sacha is a Certified and Licensed Erotic Blueprint Coach™ through her. Erotic Blueprints™ are for everybody, individuals and couples. This system of erotic empowerment will get you the mastery you have only dreamed of. 

-Uncover The Secret Code To Experiencing Mind Blowing Ecstasy

-Discover The Language Of Deep Connection, Hot Passion & Sexual Satisfaction

-Experience A Revolutionary System Called Erotic Blueprints Breakthrough™

-Get The Skills To Feed, Speak, Heal & Expand Into Orgasmic Possibilities You Didn’t Even Know Were Possible!

-Become Erotically Empowered

Learn New Skills & Games For The Bedroom & Beyond

Erotic Blueprint  Breakthrough™ Programs

Passionate Possibilities Session

Erotic Persona & Boudoir Discovery Sessions & Programs!

Erotic Blueprint speaking engagements available. 


Healing Arts

Programs For Your Intimate & Overall Wellness & Wellbeing!

Learn to consciously move more energy through your body, releasing blocks and inspiring natural healing and optimal health. Healing Arts Therapies will help you to remove limitations and open up new possibilities. You will organically begin to function more as the whole, powerful, conscious, sexually alive, orgasmic being you are at your core!

*Click on each to learn more about*


Your pathway and practice for sexual healing, empowerment, pleasure, and yes, even enlightenment.

Professional Cuddling

nurturing non-sexual therapeutic connection.

Intuitive Bodywork & Energy Healing

for your overall, as well as sexual, wellbeing.

Access Consciousness Bars & Body Processes™

will expand your Consciousness, expand your sex, expand your relationships, expand your life.

Unlimited Body™

to release limitations, create more ease, and develop joyful embodiment.

AromaTouch® Technique & Essential Oils For Intimacy

clinical application massage technique, plus tools for your health, wellness and pleasure.

Gem & Flower Essence Therapy

custom elixirs to support transformation and (sexual) health and wellbeing challenges.

Meditation & Breathwork

best sex skills for your best sex ever, plus many more benefits.

Intuitive Readings

for more sex and relationship awareness, and alignment.

(Spirit) Entity Education, Communication & Clearingl

ife altering, giving and saving awareness education and skills 

Law of Attraction & Sex Magic

life skills and practices working with energy and attraction.  

Hypnotherapy/Hypnosis Audio's

And MORE Intimacy & Wellness Coaching & Education!

Private Classes

*previously offered group classes are now offered privately*

Examples of class topics include: healing arts and intimacy, learn your sex languages (aka Erotic Blueprints™), tantric intimacy, the art of kissing, Valentine's Day special classes, sensual and sexual awakening and empowerment for women, manifesting with law of attraction, tantra and sex magic, awakening and mastering your energy, and essential oils and wellness.

Check some of them out here...


“I highly recommend Sacha, She is both professional and focused in her work. I was so relaxed and comfortable during this session. I will continue to try other modalities that she offers. I wouldn’t hesitate to call her soon if not now as her bookings get filled quickly! I understand why totally. Thank you Sacha, I feel clear and content in my life.”

Satisfied client

“Sacha’s energy just makes you comfortable as you; and she really inspires fun!”

Satisfied client

Do you want more love and better sex?

Do you desire a more satisfying sex, and love life, partnered or not?

Discover how Sacred Temple Arts can help you get the sex & love life you really want!

"Highly sexed people always have a plentiful supply of magnetism."

"Sex desire is the most powerful of all human desires."

"The desire for sexual expression is inborn and natural. The desire cannot, and should not be submerged or eliminated. But it should be given an outlet through forms of expression which enrich the body, mind and spirit."

"Love, Romance, and Sex, are all emotions capable of driving (humans) to super achievement."

- Napoleon Hill

Ready for immediate access to an invaluable intimacy education that will uplevel your sex and love life, partnered or not?

*Check out Sacha’s video courses on HOT Topics such as The Erotic Blueprints™, Tantra, Sexual Healing & Awakening, Becoming A Master Lover, How To Become An Expert Kisser, How To Do Sex Magic, Giving Superior Cunnilingus, Best Fellatio For Her Pleasure, plus informative interviews and SO MUCH MORE! (*previously featured on my Binge network channel) for your…Best Sex & Love Life!

Here’s to your extraordinarily empowering  sex education!

*Sacha's Sacred Temple Arts YouTube Channel 50+ videos for...

To Your Overall, Intimate & Erotic, Health, Wellness, Pleasure, Education, Empowerment & Expansion!

"I am getting so much from your videos!  They are wonderful.  I have been spent the last 2 years searching material from several lightworkers and none ever spoke to me like yours."

"Watched all of the rest of your fellatio videos tonite and shared much with my lover. This is having magnificent results on my confidence and reducing inhibition levels."


*For an introduction to the Erotic Blueprints™ & Sacred Temple Arts in general, click here*...