Ready For Your Best Sex & Love Life Yet?
“I think we’ve always wanted “more of us.” But “us” has changed significantly with your help. There’s a lot more communication and understanding and tolerance for our brands of crazy… You’ve very definitely changed our lives enormously for the better. That’s superheroic skill!”
Best Sex & Love Life Coaching
Holistic Sex, Intimacy & Relationship Coaching, Education & Healing at its finest.
Sexuality does not exist in a vacuum.
We focus on getting you your overall Sexual Wellness.
With non-medicalizing, nor pathologizing (like sex therapy), coaching and educational approaches that both normalize and validate.
Are you ready to heal the past, to become more empowered?
To experience the sex and love and life you really want?
Awakening and expanding your sexual energy and connection is paramount!
You Can Easily with Best Sex & Love Life Coaching!
These custom designed personal intimacy and relationship coaching and educational programs give you the knowledge, tools, practices and experiences to ignite your sex, your love, and your entire life!
I help you to get the experiences in your body, not just explaining and educating!
I provide what’s needed for each individual to uniquely get it in their body!
Increasing one’s energy and vibration while rapidly transforming their sex, love, and life!
Become fully Sexually Realized!
According to Dr Patti Britton (the mother of sex coaching)…
“Sexual Self Realization…focuses on becoming all you were meant to be within yourself, not by society’s standards.
It’s when you experience pleasure, connection, joy, and health, all through the sexual pathways.”
Sexual magnetism is a key to personal success.
Learning to harness and direct sexual energy is separate from your sex life with a partner. It is different than sexual activity.
Sexual energy is the gateway to neuroplasticity!
Let’s awaken and increase yours!
Partnered or not.
Inclusive for all genders and sexual orientations.

When working holistically with energy you get more permanent results faster.
Expert coaching, experiential practices, pragmatic tools and healing arts and therapies, will awaken and empower your sexuality, relationships and life to new levels of consciousness and pleasure.
Get your mind-body-spirit-and sex connected!
There is no relationship of greater importance to achieve than the relationship between you, in your physical body, right here and now, and the Soul/Source from which you have come. If you tend to that relationship, first and foremost, you will then, and only then, have the stable footing to proceed into other relationships.
Your relationship with your own body, with money, people, your world . . . will all fall swiftly and easily into alignment once you tend to this fundamental, primary relationship first.
Sessions and programs are completely customized and offered in a variety of formats (in-person and virtual) designed to suit each individual’s interests, desires and needs.
A program will get you from where you are to where you want to be in terms of your intimate life and education.
With a program, you invest in yourself(and your now or future partnership/relationships) and dive deep into the process with my guiding, hand-holding and celebrating you along the way.
Best Sex & Love Life Programs
*These are examples of programs clients have loved.
Coaching Program Themes
Signature Programs & Weekend Getaways
Sexification Program!
*A program will be created that is the best fit for you.
*All program pricing depends on how the program is designed- specifically for you.
You Receive:
Sex, Intimacy & Relationship Coaching & Education
custom designed personal support and experiential practices that will awaken, empower and transform your sex, love, and life.
Holistic Wellness Guidance & Care
that will increase your intimate, sexual, and overall health and wellbeing
Healing Arts Therapies, including Tantra, Energy & Bodywork
to more easily ignite and create the changes and healing you so desire
Homeplay Programs
custom designed resources and guides for your assignments in between sessions
via text and/or email, for questions and more support between sessions.
…to improve your sex and love life immediately!
*What makes Sacred Temple Arts so unique and more effective than other marriage and sex therapy, and relationship coaching is that sessions include far more than just talk! In addition to coaching and education, you also do experiential practices and receive healing arts therapies.
*Please note that only one single session is offered in only select cases*
As the power and potency for lasting life-changing experiences are guaranteed with an expansive curriculum custom-designed and evolving over the course of a program.
If you truly want to have a better to best sex and love life then it’s time to invest in yourself, and your relationship(s)!
My wife is my best friend, so I’m lucky that way. We’ve been intimate since we were eighteen years old. Our bodies have known other lovers and we have been pretty open about that but not forensic. We’re now just in our fifties and we have had more than five years of sexual awakening. It has been AMAZING. It started before we met Sacha when my wife had a hysterectomy which freed her from some discomfort during sex, but Sacha was very good at providing the context and vocabulary of love and pleasure that we were missing. We were very sexual, but we were missing so much that was virtually right in front of us–ready to be accessed with little to no effort, and Sacha helped us unlock all of that potential. Effort…that is a good thing to talk about. Sometimes, prior to learning with Sacha, we would get out of sync…that is to say, she would ‘need’ more sex than I was ready to engage in and alternately I would ‘require’ more sex than she wanted at a given time. In those cases, love making might have been a labor…I would “do it for her” and she would “do it for me” and orgasms were mandatory or we both felt like we failed in the effort. Oh boy was that wrong and holding us back!!
Sacha taught us so much but the most important takeaway was the simple knowledge that sex, love-making, whatever you call it, doesn’t have to be goal-oriented. Orgasms do not define success in sex…sure they’re wonderful and we want to have as many as we can, but there is a world of pleasure to be experienced without the physical nervous system response of ejaculation or female orgasm.
Our days now, are filled with a deep appreciation for each other. We start (almost) every morning with kissing, caressing, touching, and many times we’ll make love. Sometimes we orgasm, but every single time we feel connected and loved. We feel the warmth of each other’s body, the quickening of each others heart and breath, and the softness of our energy flowing between us. This connection cannot be under-estimated. We have gone through some traumatic experiences since our time learning with Sacha, and this ability to connect, to honor the sacredness in each other and bring joy to one another (even in the absence of orgasm) has allowed us to thrive even in the face of pain and grief.
Energy is another topic worth spending some time on. I am not very ‘woo-woo’ as Sacha would say and I wasn’t a student of tantra or energy when we started learning with Sacha, but believe me…energy flows through us and is very real. I had my first energetic orgasm after some training with Sacha and it blew my mind. The sensation was every bit as strong as the strongest physical orgasm I ever had, but I did not ejaculate and I remained ‘hard’ and continued to make love to my wife for a long and memorable time…I cannot stress enough…learn about this and buy into it. This is a life changing awakening.
I hope this short summary of our experiences is helpful to you. We wish you luck and limitless love and pleasure.
My husband and I went dancing last night!
This morning we spent 2 hours in bed exploring! Kissing game, eye gazing, awakening energy through soft gentle touches, taking turns for 10 minutes each asking for what we wanted, using color (safe) words, laughing…
When it was my turn for my 10 minutes I asked him to explore my yoni in the way you were describing, with each part and different types of touch. I felt totally comfortable asking him to change types of touch, place of touch, etc. I think because it was what the exercise wI think because it was what the exercise was designed for. It was like it gave me permission to allow it!
We used lots of lube, too.
Then, with him sitting at my feet and me lying down, with my legs draped over his, I began to self pleasure. I wanted him to watch from this perspective, now that we had talked about the anatomy a bit and explored that together, and see if he could see changes in plumpness and color and just to enjoy. I don’t think I have EVER felt comfortable doing this while he is watching and today I felt TOTALLY comfortable! While I wasn’t able to orgasm, it was okay – I did in the tub last night. Sometimes 2 days in a row I have trouble. Anyway, it was the most relaxing and loving and intimate and enjoyable morning! Definitely a win!
Just recently, I went through some trouble in my relationship. My boyfriend and I were struggling with trust as well as communication skills. I went to Sacred Temple Arts for some comfort, guidance, and insights. I was blown away by how much my mood had changed. Within an hour, I went from sadness/loss to appreciation/optimism.
It’s going well. We’re doing our microdosing (of pleasure), which has been feeling good. We had our first sex date earlier this week and it was actually way better than we both even imagined it could be. We set a time aside for an hour and we both stated what we wanted to try in order. We did a grounding meditation to start, some energy things, gratitude sharing, kissing exercise you recommended.
We actually figured out a lot with that 5 minute each kissing exercise. We ended up both orgasming at the same time (with a condom on) which has never happened before with us. So cheers to that! Lol
Sacha has an amazing gift for healing. I saw her after my divorce when I felt broken in every sense. Sacha listened carefully to my story and matched her therapies and lessons perfectly. I became far more in touch with my body, happier, and more confident. Not only did Sacha help me address my recent pain but she also helped me identify and bring to light other pains I had been carrying most of my life. I live apart from those pains now and am truly grateful. I highly recommend Sacha for anyone on a personal journey of rediscovery. I also highly recommend Sacha to any women who haven’t had sex education since middle school and are seeking a better understanding of how to bring pleasure into their lives.
It was such a pleasure to meet and work with you yesterday! Thank you so much for sending this wonderful material my way. I read through most everything and am so appreciative to receive and apply it in my daily life. As to how my experience was since our session yesterday – I was honestly blown away about how I could relate and reconnect with my body. I had such a fun and pleasurable time doing home play so far. I will order the product you recommended this week! I didn’t realize I could talk to myself in a different way and turn myself on so powerfully by just asking, listening and using energy and a few techniques (esp the pelvic floor exercise) to connect to my body! I feel hopeful and empowered about being able to connect with myself in the way I’m really wanting and not feeling so compartmentalized about my sexuality any longer. It will be a practice to keep prioritizing pleasure this week esp with work happening, however I am going to practice setting aside time for myself and put pleasure first much more often! I did start a separate sex and love journal (as suggested) and will record my progress and experiences there.
We have been making new efforts to connect, be present and make time for each other.
We had an amazing time on vacation. Lots of privacy (ripe for clothing optional) and fewer distractions than in real life… it was amazing!
We have been making time to be present together. We have set time aside for together time and have even experimented with sobriety.
Beyond the efforts to carve out connection time, we have also renewed our “yes, no, maybe” lists and leaned into exploring potential areas of sensual, intimate & erotic treasure.
Open, honest, vulnerable dialogue is pretty hot and in my opinion we have made some (successful) strides in making sure that is prioritized.
We are both busy, with many exterior demands and responsibilities but I do think that (despite each having “everyone else comes first, and we go last” mentalities) we are making progress to re- prioritize our connection and our pleasure.
Do you want more love and better sex?
Do you desire a more satisfying sex, and love life, partnered or not?
Discover how Sacred Temple Arts can help you get the sex & love life you really want!
"Highly sexed people always have a plentiful supply of magnetism."
"Sex desire is the most powerful of all human desires."
"The desire for sexual expression is inborn and natural. The desire cannot, and should not be submerged or eliminated. But it should be given an outlet through forms of expression which enrich the body, mind and spirit."
"Love, Romance, and Sex, are all emotions capable of driving (humans) to super achievement."
- Napoleon Hill
Ready for immediate access to an invaluable intimacy education that will uplevel your sex and love life, partnered or not?
*Check out Sacha’s video courses on HOT Topics such as The Erotic Blueprints™, Tantra, Sexual Healing & Awakening, Becoming A Master Lover, How To Become An Expert Kisser, How To Do Sex Magic, Giving Superior Cunnilingus, Best Fellatio For Her Pleasure, plus informative interviews and SO MUCH MORE! (*previously featured on my Binge network channel) for your…Best Sex & Love Life!
Here’s to your extraordinarily empowering sex education!
*Sacha's Sacred Temple Arts YouTube Channel 50+ videos for...
To Your Overall, Intimate & Erotic, Health, Wellness, Pleasure, Education, Empowerment & Expansion!
"I am getting so much from your videos! They are wonderful. I have been spent the last 2 years searching material from several lightworkers and none ever spoke to me like yours."
"Watched all of the rest of your fellatio videos tonite and shared much with my lover. This is having magnificent results on my confidence and reducing inhibition levels."
*For an introduction to the Erotic Blueprints™ & Sacred Temple Arts in general, click here*...