Best Sex & Love LifeÂ
Possible Program ThemesÂ
As programs are designed just for you!Â
Coaching programs provide rhythm and consistency to grow your Best Sex & Love Life!
Choose from the program themes below, that previous clients have loved!
In-person and/or virtualÂ
Any theme can be the focus of any session, program or immersion.
Or let me know what you would like to focus on.
All sessions and programs are custom designed!
Sacred Temple Arts is about empowering choices and an ongoing education that is anything but the usual cookie-cutter coaching programs!
You Receive:
Sessions for couples and/or individuals, in person and/or virtual
Custom designed homeplay programs
Email and/or phone follow-up after and in between sessions
Virtual follow up session(s) as needed upon completion of the program
Depends on what you are choosing (in-person and/or virtual, individual or couples) and for how long.
*1 session a month is enough with all the homeplay and additional support you will have in between sessions.
*6 months to a year is the average duration of a program.
*Pricing starts at 4K and is more like 7-10K
Be A Masterful Lover
Explore classical and modern techniques for becoming a Master Lover, with yourself and with others. Tantric skills will empower your life far beyond just the bedroom.
Want sexual ecstasy?
Be open to receiving a new intimate & erotic arts education that will teach you what you have been looking for. Become a multi-orgasmic, “Best Ever” lover in style, method, technique, and through your own sexual healing and empowerment.
• Explore Secrets to Male & Female Sexual Ecstasy
• Experience More Connection & Better Relationships through Conscious Loving
• Become Skilled in Giving & Receiving Sexual Healing
 • Unite with the Beloved in Bed & Beyond
• Generate & Cultivate More Vitality & Discover Your Real Fountain Of Youth
Learn More About Tantra
“Something happens to the energy of the body after about 45 minutes of sexual intercourse. Our urgency smoothes out. Our tension eases into an open love. The wrinkles of the day flatten into a calm sea that washes through us in a bigger way than a normal orgasm ever could. The fullest sexual potential of many people starts after about 45 minutes of active loving.” -David Deida
“When you consistently open as love, you begin to look like love. Your face shines. Your eyes sparkle. Your body moves with grace, opening as the tide of love swelling from your deep heart to all–through the day, at work, during sex. Your voice carries the fullness of love rather than the stress of genital need or the exasperation of emotional betrayal. Since every part of you takes on the characteristic of what you feel, if you feel as love you show as love.” -David Deida
More Love, Sex, & Intimacy for Couples
Experience more love, passion, connection, trust, fulfillment, and eroticism in and out of your bedroom. Learn true intimacy and sexual play. Becoming Masterful Lovers is the most worthwhile endeavor you can invest in, a lifetime of pleasure!
• Discover More Romance, Sensuality, & Sexual Ecstasy
• Explore New Ways of Relating, Loving, Giving & Receiving Pleasure & Arousal
• Create Tantric &/Or Adventure DatesÂ
Learn How To Practice Sex Magic & Orgasmic Meditation
• Have More Harmony & Communion In Your Bodies, Home & LivesÂ
• Play With Polarity For Erotic Expansion
• Your Intimacy & Erotic Expression Improving With Age
“As we began to look at all our personal concerns from a global perspective, we could see that the patterns of control, denial and projection that sabotage intimate relationships are the very patterns that endanger the world. To change these patterns is to change not just our social lives but our relationship to the planet.” Â -Terrance O’Connor
“Mastering relationships, I think, is very nearly the same as mastering being human. Not an easy task, with a shifting target, and levels of complexity beyond imagining. But worth the attempt anyhow!”  -Alison Armstrong
“Touch comes before sight, before speech. It is the first language and the last, and it always tells the truth.” -Margaret Atwood
Single & Sexy
Being “single” is an AWESOME opportunity to commune more with your body and life itself. What turns you on, lights you up? What are you most passionate about? What dreams and desires would you like to cultivate foremost? What other types of relationships?Â
We work together to bring you more of what you want in all aspects of your life. Being so called “single” can be a very happy time! For your erotic expansion and a new kind of intimate communion. Come discover more of your sexy self!
And if you are interested in or already exploring dating well let’s make that far easier and better than the shit show it usually is 🙂
• Release & Transform Past Relationship Patterns
• Create Space in Your Life & Body, for More Love
• Ignite & Initiate the Beloved Within You Into Sexual Ecstasy
• Get The Real Sex & Relationship Education That Will Empower You For The Rest Of Your Life
• Become Skilled At Erotic Contemplation, Savoring & Sustained Sexual Arousal As Well As Self Pleasure (aka masturbation) Mastery!
• Find Out More About Why, What & How To Choose Your Intimate Relationships More ConsciouslyÂ
• Successful Courting Compared To The Current World Of Dating
• How Men & Women Date Differently
• Dating On Purpose
“If you believe your heart is broken, it’s natural to think you’ll never recover. What if hearts are infinitely strong and can only be bruised, but never destroyed? This has allowed me to heal from the shock of disrespect or dishonor in unguarded moments.” –Alison Armstrong
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
Helen Schucman – A Course in Miracles
Awaken The Goddess, Be A Queen
Inspire and embody your inner Goddess, your authentic self as a woman, who embraces her sexual expression and nature. Create your life in a luscious new way. These sessions initiate women into the Sacred Mysteries of the Feminine.
In Tantric traditions women awaken and share together the mysteries of female sexual orgasmic energy. This creative, spiritual, and sexual life force energy brings what you desire. You become a juicy Goddess flowing in harmony with life, Orgasmically Abundant!
• Embody & Magnify Self-Acceptance, Self-Loving, Self-Pleasuring, Self-Sensual & Sexual Expression
• Release Trauma, Negative Beliefs, Conditioning, & Shame
• Embrace & Empower Your Body & Your Cycles, Thus Your Life
• Be & Feel Physically & Emotionally Connected, Safe & Confident
• Recover From BURNOUT
• Learn How to Understand Men & How to Get What You Need From Them
• Discover & Manifest Your Deepest Desires By Becoming a Goddess & Living Like a Queen
• Have All The Different Types Of Orgasms & Know How To Ask For ThemÂ
“I have had the honor of Sacha’s coaching and alternative healing expertise for over 4 years and she has been a lifeline to me. As a perimenopausal woman she has helped me learn how to harness my own feminine power during chaotic menstrual cycles, which I wish I had learned > 40 years ago. I had ended a marriage of 30 years and she exposed me to authors and many healing modalities that helped me better understand men and myself.  From specific tantric wisdom to soul healing Sacha supported me like a goddess of wisdom. This was one of the best investments in my life and I am eternally grateful.”
Sacha makes so many lives so much richer with embodiment and self awareness!!!”
-female client, 50 years young
“Being a Queen starts right there ~ with being. So if we’re constantly doing, doing, doing, there isn’t any space — mental, emotional or time space — to just be, let alone be our very best qualities. And there is the problem of embodiment…to be our best qualities, we first have to, literally, get those qualities in our bodies.” –Alison Armstrong
“When a woman has ‘Juicy Consciousness’ it means that she’s integrated her Temptress — the playful, sexual and sensual feminine energy — with her Queen — the compassionate and honoring spiritual feminine. Juicy Consciousness is owning ALL of your beauty and holding it as a gift to others. Surprisingly, a woman is safer in the world with Juicy Consciousness than by attempting to hide or downplay the physical aspect of being female.” –Alison Armstrong
“For most women, emotional openness, sexual openness, and spiritual openness are all part of the same single gesture of trust, relaxation, and love. In fact, for many women, their deepest sexual experiences are their deepest spiritual experiences.“
“The feminine heart is love and yearns to give and receive love ever more deeply in the overflowing pleasure of intimate communion. However, the body has layers of physical tension and emotional armoring, accumulated over a lifetime, that constrict this love-flow.
It takes time and practice to soften through these layers, but when you do, the radiance of your true heart is revealed and the love you are shines through your whole body.
Pleasure, as a feminine practice, is a beautiful way to soften the body, open the heart, and liberate love’s fullness. It also awakens a deeper flow of energetic radiance that is utterly irresistible to the masculine.“ -David Deida
Be A King, Hero, & Sex God
Be what so many women want, a King, Hero, and Sex God!
Discover your true purpose.
Learn how to heal women and raise the roof off the bedroom.
Have as much love and reverence as you can receive.
It’s never too late to awaken your mind and body in new ways, and your lovers!
*Do you know that the average 22 year-old male today has roughly the same testosterone levels as a 67 year old had in the year 2000???*
*​Although I am a WOMAN, I have dedicated much of my life to understanding, researching and becoming more conscious in general about who men are, how they operate, why and what and much more. My coaching and curriculum in these programs for men specifically, and in general, also includes a great deal of support resources and material from male teachers in addition to my own methods and body of work. I have the utmost appreciation, respect and honor for men. I do not agree with the current war against men, masculinity and testosterone. We need more healthy virile men on this planet! If that is not what you are interested in being, then this program is not a match for you.*Â
• Generate More Relaxation, Vitality, Stamina & Inner Confidence
• Sexual Health & Overall Healing For Greater Wellbeing
• Increase Intimacy, Connection & (Erotic/Sexual) Self-Expression
• Sexual Energy & Ejaculatory Mastery! Multiple Orgasms! Superior Sex Skills!
• Self-Pleasure (aka masturbation) Coaching For Sustained Arousal
• Learn How to Give & Receive Full Body Pleasure & Penetration
• Understanding Yourself As A Man…Alpha, Beta, Sigma or?
-The Amazing Development Of Men & Where You Are At With Yours
-Discovering & Pursuing Your Purpose & Living Your life On Purpose.
-Being A Superior Lover, Leader, Father & Conscious Man.
• Protecting, Providing & Cherishing The Feminine…
-Unlocking The Mystery & Being Within The Mystery. Without Going Mad 🙂
-Navigating Consent & Creating Containment, The Container, & Polarity
“Without a conscious life-purpose a man is totally lost, drifting, adapting to events rather than creating events.”Â
“In every woman’s body is this extraordinary unimaginable power of She who is the woman, the divine woman, behind all her daily thoughts and longings. Every woman on earth is endeavoring to manifest her divine feminine qualities. It is the same for man. Deep inside every man’s psyche is the divinely noble principle of Man. It too is endeavoring to manifest, to push up through two thousand million years of past into the brain and the senses, and express its divine male qualities.”

-Barry Long
“Men need to be needed to know they are desired.”
–Gary Douglas, Access Consciousness™
Thank you for the insight and advice. I feel like a new man today.
I had a wonderful session with you!
It’s comforting to know that I have have someone that
I trust to confide in with these matters!
I love being called a goddess! I want to embrace that more. Yesterday morning I went for a 3 hour mountain bike ride, then bought myself lunch and some delicious chocolate! When I got home I took a long, luxurious bubble and epsom salt bath. I haven’t done that in years! I forgot how relaxing and sensual it is. While in the tub I slowly caressed my body, from limbs inward. I reminded myself how much I love having my feet touched and massaged. I find it deeply relaxing and loving.Â
The work I’ve done with Sacha has significantly changed my life. I honestly had no idea what to expect when I arrived for my first session and frankly, was a little nervous, but Sacha put me at ease and over the course of several months introduced me to some very practical procedures and practices that, having done on my own, have vastly expanded my ability to feel sexual pleasure and have noticeably contributed to my having a greater sense of power and stability out in the world. She is an enthusiastic, dedicated teacher who cares about her students and clearly loves her work!
Thank you for your encouragement and it’s all because of the increased energy and confidence and I thank you for that
You have probably noticed that I’m a pretty serious puppy. You probably have even found that frustrating from time to time when working with me.
I admire your constant playful energy. I even envy it a bit. You have a wonderful way of honoring the depth of my feelings around something while always keeping a light energy around that. The balance amazes me and helps me feel safe opening up.
Thank you.
Sacha is an amazing healer, coach, and inspiration. If you are looking for a special treat for yourself or a woman in your life I can’t recommend her highly enough. please don’t be intimidated or embarrassed – this is a spiritual experience and will go at your speed- no worries! Just my unsolicited testimonial
Sacred Temple Arts is absolutely the GO TO resource for everything related to a REAL Sex Education, A woman’s connection with her Sacred Feminine, Couples intimacy and connecting, as well as Male intimacy education, understanding, and healing!
As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, I typically field questions and concerns of “what’s normal?,” and “What’s healthy?” related to intimacy. Sacred Temple Arts fills a gap in our Adult Education, and offers a respectable, professional, and centered resource for learning all there is to empower your Sacred Sensual Side! There really are not enough approachable places that allow adults to explore their desires, challenges, and their interests related to intimacy in a safe, understanding, supportive, and professional space… But you can Definitely go to Sacred Healing Arts and Meet Sacha!
Sacha is extremely educated, and has more than two decades of experience in the healing arts. There’s no “funny business” about this Professional Woman!
She knows how to empower ANY woman to step into her Goddess Energy.
I felt really good, solid, centered and grounded. I believe that my mission is starting to take shape on all fronts.
I want to thank you for your dedication to us. The practices and techniques you share have made a difference. I am benefiting by using them. (I) We are much better. We had some nice moments this past week. For example, we had some kissing and touching that felt really nice. We didn’t climax. We both liked it. We still have many kinks to work out, both physically and relating to one another. I can feel the changes within us. It takes so much work. We have many areas to resolve. While the self-care homeplay exercises are helping me, the meditation and self-care he is doing is great for him. I am very happy in general and appreciate SO much having this opportunity.
Hi Sacha! i want to say, “Thank you!” Actually a million and millions of thank you’s!Â
I need to share with you my experience this last weekend. I met a woman this year and this past weekend she stayed in my
apartment. It was the first time I had sex with her. It was amazing! This never ever happened before since my teenager years!
Because of you I mastered and avoided premature ejaculation. I am still practicing, but I’m way better. Thank you
Do you want more love and better sex?
Do you desire a more satisfying sex, and love life, partnered or not?
Discover how Sacred Temple Arts can help you get the sex & love life you really want!
"Highly sexed people always have a plentiful supply of magnetism."
"Sex desire is the most powerful of all human desires."
"The desire for sexual expression is inborn and natural. The desire cannot, and should not be submerged or eliminated. But it should be given an outlet through forms of expression which enrich the body, mind and spirit."
"Love, Romance, and Sex, are all emotions capable of driving (humans) to super achievement."
- Napoleon Hill
Ready for immediate access to an invaluable intimacy education that will uplevel your sex and love life, partnered or not?
*Check out Sacha’s video courses on HOT Topics such as The Erotic Blueprints™, Tantra, Sexual Healing & Awakening, Becoming A Master Lover, How To Become An Expert Kisser, How To Do Sex Magic, Giving Superior Cunnilingus, Best Fellatio For Her Pleasure, plus informative interviews and SO MUCH MORE! (*previously featured on my Binge network channel) for your…Best Sex & Love Life!
Here’s to your extraordinarily empowering  sex education!
*Sacha's Sacred Temple Arts YouTube Channel 50+ videos for...
To Your Overall, Intimate & Erotic, Health, Wellness, Pleasure, Education, Empowerment & Expansion!
"I am getting so much from your videos! They are wonderful. I have been spent the last 2 years searching material from several lightworkers and none ever spoke to me like yours."
"Watched all of the rest of your fellatio videos tonite and shared much with my lover. This is having magnificent results on my confidence and reducing inhibition levels."
*For an introduction to the Erotic Blueprints™ & Sacred Temple Arts in general, click here*...