Ancient & Modern Tantra 
Sexual energy is your quintessential spiritual essence, your fuel, for uniting body, soul and spirit, within you, and with another(s). Come to awaken your Consciousness with more sexual pleasure and even ecstasy. Release aeons of shame and guilt, culturally ingrained, and become Erotically Liberated. Become a Masterful Lover with yourself and others. Fully awakening your sexual energy through tantra practices—is a key to your vitality.
Your Sex is Sacred, and in tantra, we bring back the Sacred as Sexy!
Sacha is an amazing, heart centered, intuitive, and gifted practitioner/healer in the realm of sacred sexuality. She has the greatest wealth of knowledge and the most modalities to use for your healing of any practitioner I know in the field of sacred sexuality. She is highly intuitive to your needs for healing and she custom tailors programs just for you as a single or couple. She also uses orher modalities such as flower essences and essential oils for your overall physical and emotional health and wellbeing. I have worked with her for my own feminine healing and empowerment and healing of emotional issues and my fiancé and I have worked with her for some of our relationship issues and sexual health and healing. I would highly recommend her!
Tantra Sessions
Tantra is interwoven into most Best Sex & Love Life Coaching & Healing sessions and programs. It can also be its own healing arts session and program.
In tantra, sex is taught as being about energy, a pathway to bliss, and even enlightenment. Tantra is a part of Sacred Temple Art’s curriculum to your better to the best sex and love life.
I offer tantra in the way it is meant to be: inclusive for all genders and sexual orientations, and as a path for singles as much as couples.
You can:
Learn tantra for fun
Become initiated into the mysteries of tantra
Heal tantrically (sexual healing and more)
Expand (your) Consciousness!
Sessions and programs specifically in tantra are customized to meet your needs and preferred focus of study. You will be provided with all of the experiences and tools you do need to safely learn and practice the more red/sexual practices, (which are the only ones that can’t be done directly in the classroom when involving nudity) on your own and/or with a partner, in the comfort of your own sacred space. White tantra is always taught in addition to red, as to practice the best red tantra, you must also have mastery in white tantra.
I was born a sexual healer in this life as I’ve have had many lives as a sacred sexual prostitute, priestess, courtesan, dakini, tantrika, and other forms and names as such.
It took me into my 20’s to first begin a conscious spiritual path, and to realize when first exposed to tantra, how much I already knew of this art, in my body and Being. I decided to research tantra deeply. Not just in the bedroom, but in all parts of my life including academically. Tantra became the main focus of my Master’s work at Goddard College.
In my 20 years of personal research and play in tantra, I experienced extremes between workshops, teachers, and teachings, that were dangerous in many ways to myself and other participants. Thus had become the way of the neo-tantric path. This is why I specifically teach students how to navigate the path from their own inner resources and guidance (rather than an external guru’s), and how to choose which paths and ways work best for them. I customize my tantra teachings to create an experience of tantra that is fresh, and foremost serving the journey to more Consciousness. This is far beyond mere sexual experiences, and seeking enlightenment through sex is just a fraction of what is truly possible.
Whether you are seeking beginners to advanced level tantra sessions, or simply wanting to know more about the subject itself and what may or may not be resonant with you with it, I can help you to align with a form and/or practices of tantra that most easily suits you. Tantra is at its heart, encompassing of all, and so no matter what your current beliefs and/or religious or spiritual following may be, there is a place you can connect tantrically. The immense benefits of tantra must be directly experienced, as with any form of meditation and/or yoga. My personal experiences with tantrically sexually awakening, and healing sexual and familial trauma and abuse, were nothing short of life-saving.
Contact me to discuss your interest in tantra, and what the possibilities are for you to gain not only an excellent tantric education if you desire, but to become a tantra master in whatever way that best suits you, and your current lifestyle and level of consciousness.
Can I Learn Tantra Without A Partner?
I began my tantric journey as a single woman in my twenties, and most of my tantric journey was as a single who practiced in my own body with the spiritual energies mainly. It is entirely possible to learn the art of tantra on a profound level practicing solo. You learn you are not ever alone, and that there are energies all around you, inside of you, too, to make love with. As well as you become One and Love.
I have also chosen “tantra buddies”, and relationships with other tantric practitioners/colleagues/teachers. I initiated and trained a partner into the tantric arts. Being a tantric priestess (an awakener and transmitter of sexual energy, a Goddess of sexuality) is simply my innate Nature. I will bring out and empower this Shakti/Shiva energy in you, too. Although I will not, for legal reasons and more, be your tantric surrogate with nudity sexually/ physically. I can and will work safely and deeply with you energetically and physically in the ways called for.
Although trained in the hands-on healing sexual arts through Source Tantra and other trainings, I discovered first hand that too often tantra becomes trauma when sexual energy practices and sessions lack boundaries, consent, integrity, and real trauma, as well as sexological bodywork training. Prominent Tantra teachers have had allegations and charges of rape and sexual assault in their trainings and sessions. I will teach you how to do Sacred Spot Massage and other Tantric practices safely for yourself, and another, without illegal and/or unethical behaviour.
Contact me to begin the process to discover if an immersion into tantra as a healing and/or pleasure path is for you.
Is Tantra Healing?
Tantra can be a pathway of potent embodied healing.
It can also, like anything else, cause more harm than good.
Especially depending on the practitioner, practice, context and more!
I have experienced so much in my more than two decades of tantric practice I could easily write books on both!
Having gone deep into tantra through trainings as well as intensive academic study, I come from a different place than many who present as tantra practitioners. I even wrote my Master's dissertation on the healing benefits of the Neo-Tantric method of Sacred Spot Massage in females.
I have chosen and course corrected along my tantric journey to provide myself and my clients only the very best teachings, methods, practices and practitioners.
*Check out my recent article on a new platform I joined...
Healing Trauma Through Tantra: Rebuilding Safety and Emotional Intimacy
To me, Tantra is an erotic art and it is a healing art.
Which is why it is included in my programs as such.
Yes tantra can be about sex, yet it is about everything in essence, and includes all.
Isn’t tantra really just about sex?
Lineage Tantra is a scientific technology passed down from guru to student in energetic transmission, the student is devoted to the guru.
Classical tantra is a religion, a spiritual practice, a lifestyle, which includes ayurvedic medicine, yoga, kama sutra and sexual art forms. It was created for householders and there are different schools of rituals and guru devotion is not mandatory.
Neo tantra, most commonly focuses on the sexual arts with very little of the original tantra in some aspects.
“It is time we saw sex as the truly sacred art that it is. A deep meditation, a holy communion, and a dance with the force of creation.”
–Marcus Allen
Tantra is the healing art, yoga, philosophy, sacred path, and life practice, of weaving the vast, and often contradictory, aspects of ourselves into a unified whole.
By recognizing that our sexuality and spirituality are not separate, and by using our sexuality as a means to expand our consciousness, we grow exponentially. Quite simply, expanding your consciousness happens through unifying your sex and spirit.
Tantric exploration and healing is a journey into the deepest most pleasurable parts of your self. On this path, sensuality and sexuality become the keys to more pleasure, not just in your body, but also throughout your life.
You do not have to adopt New Age spirituality, or any particular paradigm, to learn useful techniques to becoming a far better lover. The tantric healing arts and techniques will skyrocket your sexual skills and relationships on all levels.
At Sacred Temple Arts, we practice mainly modern tantra, White and Red. I teach Tantra as the healing art and yoga that it actually is, and I include many other healing arts in practice and teachings, as they have proven excellent catalysts for healing, transformation, evolution and sexual-spiritual unification.
Tantric methods use sex as extended meditation. Meditation, yoga postures, breathing techniques, and other tools for awakening the chakras and increasing awareness are offered to help you work directly with your sexual energy. Bringing the masculine and feminine energies and forces in us into union is an alchemical process that spurs enlightenment. We do this alone in solo sex, and through sex with another.
*Introducing Tantra to someone beginning is like giving a Harley Davidson to someone that doesn’t even know how to ride a bike. They need training wheels first, then they can ride the bike over time. It takes time, patience, and practice until they can even fire up the Harley.*
“It is unfortunate that our culture leaves most people completely uneducated in the higher enjoyments and deeper bliss of sexuality.”
—David Deida
“My true self is blossoming. Not by direction or force, just by surrender. And now my sexuality and heart are becoming so merged that I can hardly put my attention on one without exciting the other.”
—Valerie Brooks”
A call to more awareness…
why one of my female colleagues stopped teaching tantra.
Please consider this deeply.
“I LOVE men, I ADORE men. And some men are so deeply disrespectful, unkind, all about their pleasure and their bodies and they only can think about what they want and need and think nothing of the fact I am a complete stranger and they are asking me to do all kinds of s*xual acts with them in a way that is, as a healer, very distasteful and in a very disgusting way.
I came into Tantra as a healer, for a healing modality, first, for myself and then to support others. So for men writing me ALL the time asking for s*x, ha-nd jobs, BJ’s, release, wanting to touch me and do all kinds of things to me….it is a total turn off to the healer in me.
What these men do not take into consideration is “why would I want to do this with them?” Besides money what would I get out of it? And money isn’t worth doing something I am not a hell yes to. I do things I am a hell yes to. They don’t think about it causing me damage and emotional anguish, which if I did these things, would do. I’d be causing myself harm if I said yes to these things. I’d be abusing myself. One man, when I put in into my perspective and asked him “If I did this for you, what would I get out of it? Put yourself in my shoes”. I told him the vision of what he was asking for from my perspective and his jaw dropped and said, “you are right, why would you want to do this? I never thought about it from the woman’s point of view”. And then I went on to share with him how he could ask for what he wanted in a way that would be better and he was amazing at receiving it.
I stopped teaching tantra as I was getting angry with men, I was seeing men in a different light and I did not want that. I was getting very edgy and asking men, even when I met them outside of my business life, questions as if it was an inquisition…my trust of men was breaking and I just started distrusting them. When men have been my protections, my deepest friendships, the people I value most on this earth for their heart, love, compassion and boyishness and joy. I didn’t want to stop respecting and trusting them. These disrespectful men were causing me to be different with the men in my personal life. To the point where I didn’t date for years….and I realized I couldn’t keep Tantra as my main career while also trying to heal this deep wound that slowly grew for 22 years. So I am not teaching tantra full on any more.
Some days I miss it, but now that I have found shibari, and I can mix it into my work, I still get fed by it in a way that nourishes me. Tantra will never leave my body or life, but the unkind men is not something I care to deal with any more.
So men….if you want s*x, a full body massage, lingam massage, or anything other thing from a woman doing tantra or massage or anything, be kind, loving, respectful. Respect their no and thank them for honoring themselves. As you can very well be damaging her spirit- which I know most men do not want to do (most don’t know they are being harmful). I feel part of my spirit has been deeply bruised and hurt. The flirty, fun- loving, s*xy, sensual being I used to be all the time, has been dimmed, turned off most times, and only comes out in very specific moments. My guard is still up at times and in the process of coming down. And the moment I get another message from a man asking for something I don’t want to give a burst of anger goes through my body.
I am not the only woman that feels this way, I know, I have talked to many female tantra practitioners, they change their careers or just keep being angry with men. But we women shouldn’t have to give up a career we love because of others not knowing how to be respectful. Men really need to learn respect for female practitioners of any kind.
It is such a strange thing for me to even write this and it is hard to put it out there…as the men in my life are so not this way at all, and to know there are so many men that are this way, it is very confusing to me. It makes me wonder if the disrespectful men are this way in relationship or are the men in my life treat me with love and respect and have another side to them – I know we all have different sides, but I don’t even want to think these things as I love the men in my life so much.
I understand many men would love to have women wanting all kinds of s*xual services ask of them…but for a woman, a woman that is a healer, I have no interest in that. For reasons of health and this reason I have even pulled away a little with my therapeutic massage practice. As the men here are ruder than anywhere else. I think it is because most all women, with a bit of pressure cave in as they need the money…as I have talked to the women, they have told me this. Women, if you don’t want to do something don’t do it. Men will get it isn’t ok to be pushing women to do things they don’t want to do if they know they won’t get it.
So I am unwinding all of this, healing and the truth is, I feel so much relief now when I check my messages now. As I rarely get those messages now, and my nervous system is starting to reset, relax and renew. Healing is happening with me giving this up. Yes, I am sad I had to give up something I love because of these men. I still cry and get angry, and the relief is so big and the love of shibari is so big I don’t focus on the grief so much. I feel it, let it pass through and see how happy I am with my new chosen career, a career that again, has chosen me. I don’t think I have been this happy in my carer in a long time. I tie women and men, with no triggers, no fears, very few writing me in disrespect or unkindness…and that makes this choice so much easier to live with and love.
My next step is having my website redone and having everything tantra taken down. It is time. It has gotten to that point.
I don’t need to defending men…as I know most man are amazing.”
Interview About Tantra & My Services 2023
Working with Sacha has been life changing. While all types of meditation are transformative, I often felt that important parts of me were cut off or taboo. I love that Tantra offers a path for awakening the whole self weaving together sexuality and spirituality as a positive experience in a way that no other healing methods offer. Sacha offers an incredible range of knowledge about all aspects of tantra and has a wonderful way of giving me the information that is relevant to where I am at in my process. Her gentle and supportive approach made me feel comfortable immediately. Even after the session I continue to benefit from the work, always leaving with a handful of resources to supplement what I am learning at the time and exercises that I can put into practice at home. Sacha has taught me to appreciate aspects of myself as a woman from a spiritual perspective that I had not considered before, and helped me to get further in my healing process in a way I could not without the guidance of a teacher.
After his first session with his partner, where I taught them basic yet profound Tantra practices, two days later he sent me this…
“Brief but critical update: we had planned a day of intimacy and spent all day in bed or feeding each other breakfast and more lovemaking. Here’s what was unforgettable – I was standing at the side of our bed with her wrapped around my waist. I put my right hand on her heart chakra and my left hand on her right inner thigh…I had an ejaculate-free – full body orgasm that made me weep. Crazy shit. ❤️❤️”
“Yes. We have updates. Yes we do. I do not know where to begin. Okay:
I held my wife sort of like what you taught us-harmonizing. I was buzzing. My whole body was just like anxious energy. Vibrating. I was a bundle of activated nerves. (Now that I’ve written that, that sounds like a hemorrhoid. I was not that.) I think I transmitted some of that to my Ms. Empath (my wife of course), too. It was butterflies in the chest. I dug under her clothing to contact skin and it was just overwhelming for me. She very gently played with my genitals, and I was in complete ecstasy. I don’t know how long that lasted, maybe 45 minutes or an hour? But I eventually ended up on the floor, almost in a fetal position, and balled my eyes out.!?
I finally decided I was low blood sugar and needed to eat something. My wife helped me up and refused to let me walk down the stairs. She got me some dark-chocolate peanut-butter squares and I wolfed down about 4000 calories with a Diet Coke.
I can only presume that I had a long-lasting energetic orgasm (without ejaculation!) that consumed every ounce of glucose from my circulatory system. I’ve never experienced anything like this in my entire life. The couple of sessions earlier where we tried to bring out an energetic orgasm got close, and I didn’t really love the sensation. This was phenomenal. (Until I “fell out” of bed to cry and almost blacked out…)
What created this? I have no idea. How do we do it again? Fuck.
We had normal, every-day, vanilla sex many hours later. That was nice, too. 😉
One of the reasons that we looked into your sessions was to bring our sexual relationship to another level. You succeeded in that for sure. We bring some of what you teach us into the Lifestyle with other couples. The incredible connection that he and I get with your sessions is similar to what we get with a Lifestyle experience. They both bring our intensity higher. There are different applications but they bring the same end results. Certainly we don’t get any “rolling orgasms” through the Lifestyle as we do with your sessions.
“Sacha is wise and compassionate, gentle and intuitively guided. She will support you on your personal transformation journey, in addition to whatever you come to see her for. I highly recommend her.”
Do you want more love and better sex?
Do you desire a more satisfying sex, and love life, partnered or not?
Discover how Sacred Temple Arts can help you get the sex & love life you really want!
"Highly sexed people always have a plentiful supply of magnetism."
"Sex desire is the most powerful of all human desires."
"The desire for sexual expression is inborn and natural. The desire cannot, and should not be submerged or eliminated. But it should be given an outlet through forms of expression which enrich the body, mind and spirit."
"Love, Romance, and Sex, are all emotions capable of driving (humans) to super achievement."
- Napoleon Hill
Ready for immediate access to an invaluable intimacy education that will uplevel your sex and love life, partnered or not?
*Check out Sacha’s video courses on HOT Topics such as The Erotic Blueprints™, Tantra, Sexual Healing & Awakening, Becoming A Master Lover, How To Become An Expert Kisser, How To Do Sex Magic, Giving Superior Cunnilingus, Best Fellatio For Her Pleasure, plus informative interviews and SO MUCH MORE! (*previously featured on my Binge network channel) for your…Best Sex & Love Life!
Here’s to your extraordinarily empowering sex education!
*Sacha's Sacred Temple Arts YouTube Channel 50+ videos for...
To Your Overall, Intimate & Erotic, Health, Wellness, Pleasure, Education, Empowerment & Expansion!
"I am getting so much from your videos! They are wonderful. I have been spent the last 2 years searching material from several lightworkers and none ever spoke to me like yours."
"Watched all of the rest of your fellatio videos tonite and shared much with my lover. This is having magnificent results on my confidence and reducing inhibition levels."
*For an introduction to the Erotic Blueprints™ & Sacred Temple Arts in general, click here*...