“Sacha can navigate and support you on your path of awakening and healing. You will find that just being in her presence is healing, and the process is easier with her holding your hand.”
I’m Sacha Fossa.
A Sexual Awakener & Healer…
contributing to changing the world one & multi orgasms at a time!
So much more Consciousness is possible beyond a pelvic sneeze climax.
How would you like to have full body, mind-blowing, life changing and transformative orgasms?
Hire me, dive in, do your homeplay, and you will be!
I am committed to expanding your (sexual) energy, potency and consciousness. For you to love yourself, your body, and your larger bodies-Earth and all of cosmos! For your greatest erotic empowerment and liberation!
“this is the woman who I have reluctantly had sessions with… then my whole world opens up! I highly recommend her!!”
My life’s work, and passion, focuses on sexual empowerment and healing through holistic sex coaching, education, sacred sexuality, and healing arts. These are the pathways I used, and still use, to reclaim my body, my power, my joy. I can help you do so, too.
“Sacha helped take away my suicide ideation. She got me finally back into my body. She is AWESOME with people with PTSD. She brought hope back to me and gave me a glimpse of why I want to live and should live.”
Would you like to connect with your innate healing power? To be guided to become more pleasure orientated, and orgasmically alive?
You Are Magic! Your Life Can Be Orgasmic!
With me, a Sexpert Goddess, highly trained and educated in the erotic and healing arts, as your coach and cheerleader, you will be on an accelerated path! What a journey it will be!
My approach in services is one that combines holistic healing tools and techniques, relationship/intimacy coaching, and a proper sex education for your health and pleasure.
Whether your are new to exploring you intimate side, or you are more advanced in this realm, I have something new and inviting to offer you!
I will bring you into a fresh and whole experience of your erotic self and expression.
Most of us were taught that the erotic is performing sexuality in a certain way.
We learned that we have to be “sexy” in how we dress, act or speak without feeling our authentic desire. This lack of authenticity kills real pleasure and aliveness!
The erotic is not something you do. It is your essence.
It is your life force-your primal, untamed, bliss-loving self.
It’s you unfiltered!
You before the world taught you to be afraid of what you want.
It is passion, not performance! It’s your wildness. Your raw human animal.
This power doesn’t just live in the bedroom and isn’t limited to your relationship with your lover.
It’s your whole life!
The erotic is your raw, real, unfiltered, unstuck self in every area of your life.
We’ve all had moments of feeling like something is missing or painful. I am here to bring light and healing to those experiences.
“What fundamentally determines results in life?
-The strength, and quality, of your boundaries
-How you self-sacrifice around the expectations of others
-Your unconscious limits on what you can receive
-Places where your history still decides what’s possible for your future
These will all affect who you get to be. And, the BIGGEST determinant of creating results that matter to YOU is: who you are BEING.
We have so much attention on ‘taking care of other people’ and ‘providing for other people’ that we live our lives in ways that cost us the essence of who we are…what if we didn’t…and, instead set up our lives so that our lives filled us up?”— Alison Armstrong
I look forward to meeting you whether you are just ready to begin your sexual and relationship healing and being journey, you are somewhere on the path of, or you already have an incredible sex and love life-as many of my clients already do-and they come to me because they want even MORE!
I assist couples in playing MORE as “Couples that play together, stay together. Especially in the bedroom.” And…
“What limits us from having incredible sex together falls into three buckets:
1. Sexual health roadblocks
2. Fear and lack of experience
3. Needing good ideas”-according to sexpert Susan Bratton.
Let’s get you beyond these limits and best of all…partnered or not…
You will quickly discover there is nothing really wrong with you. That there is so much more ease and joy available when you learn to play and dance with life, orgasmically, by Being more of you. Not less, MORE.
Has anyone ever told you that you are “too much”? That you should “not want more, or want so much”? Have you ever had a relationship where they wanted to cut off all of the most passionate parts of you, and to make you somehow more normalized, like them? I know this pain. I am here for those who wish to live authentically, raw and real. I help you claim the more that you are, the more that you truly want, your extra-ordinariness.
Isn’t it time you empowered and freed yourself sexually, and otherwise?
Sacred Temple Arts, as not only a body of work, but a way of life, arose out of my academic and experiential studies and research, as well as my personal healing process. I continue to evolve, experiment, and expand, with ancient and modern versions of sacred temple arts.
My Healing Journey…
has led me to reclaiming me, and to helping you reclaim your natural sexualness, your essence, your juicy orgasmicness, too!
“The best way to heal trauma is in a state of arousal”
-Sheri Winston, CNM, RN, BSN, LMT, Wholistic Sexuality Teacher, founder of Intimate Arts Center, and one of my greatest mentors 🙂
My life was plagued with physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological harm through abusive relationships. Including overt and covert narcissistic, psychopathic, and spiritual, abuse. I felt unloved and utterly victimized, over and over again.
In my early 20’s, I experienced a near death experience that was one of many profound awakenings to (Kundalini) energy, and planes of existence beyond this reality.
This led to my voraciously studying spirituality, world religions, metaphysics, and healing arts therapies.
I additionally researched personally, and within academia: female adolescent development, women’s studies, and ancient and modern Goddess cultures. Which led to my first thesis on Empowering Adolescent Girls Through Goddess Stories. Part of my mission is about healing our wounded adolescence, for all genders.
Let’s face it, none of us got any kind of decent sex, and/or relationship, education.
How did this play out for you?
I’m committed to receiving and giving the best sex and relationship educations possible, ongoing, for us all to have more of what we really desire.
My passion and quest isn’t just for AMAZING sex, it’s also for EPIC partnership(s)!
Most of my life, I was confused and dismayed by how men typically reacted to me, and my intimate and sexual interactions with them often left me feeling dishonored. I embarked on a highly valuable, and lifelong venture, of researching men, too, as a result. I wanted to know how truly healthy relationships, and phenomenal partnerships, between the sexes, could exist and evolve.
I committed to getting the best education I could on how to understand men, understand women, and how to have healthy partnerships. I’ve been studying Allison Armstrong, Katie and Gay Hendrix, Dr. John Gray, and many more love and relationship masters, for over a decade, and ongoing.
“When we are constantly misinterpreting each other’s words and behavior, shared moments can easily turn into pain and distrust and isolation. But when you know you don’t speak the same language, you have a chance to be seen, heard and accepted. And really enjoy the other person!” — Alison Armstrong
Sex As Sacred
It was also in my early 20’s, that my tantra adventures, and practice, began. I came across a workshop promoting “Sacred Sexuality”. It was an irrevocable turning point. My total immersion into this field, led me through my greatest sexual healing, and transformation, back to the real me. Tantra first taught me how to reclaim my body, power, and life, through pleasure.
The practice of Sacred Spot Massage was a primary piece in this work.
For my Masters degree, in Health Arts and Sciences, I wrote my dissertation on female pleasure and sexual healing, through the Neo Tantric technique of Female Sacred Spot Massage Ritual. I documented the extraordinary healing possibilities for women, that I live and teach. This work expands into the healing and empowerment for the masculine, as well.
I have been studying sacred sexuality through countless trainings and schools for almost 2 decades. (Please see my credentials below.) This included becoming an Advanced Certified Tantric Educator (ACTE through Source Tantra).
Recent allegations of tantric sexual healers compromising and breaking boundaries in sexual healing sessions and more, have come to the forefront of this field. I know all too well the physical, emotional and nervous system damage that can be caused by the Neo Tantra version of sacred spot massage. As much as I’m a huge advocate for this type of healing, I also have been hurt by unethical practices of it. It is a practice that needs to be taught in a way that promotes the healing benefits, without negating the trauma it can bring up, and/or inflict, when not done properly.
I am highly trained and expereinced in the hands on healing art of Sacred Spot Massage. I I teach my clients how to do it for themselves, and for others. Providing the resources and customized homeplay programs.
As allegations of rape and sexual abuse have come forth against many tantra schools, teachers, and other sexual healers, I have increasingly committed myself to the ethics, boundaries, standards, and mentors, that create safer and healthier schools, and practices, for sexuality education and exploration.
Although I am not a trauma therapist, I continue to study diligently in the field of trauma. I have a trauma informed practice. I will refer out anyone that needs trauma therapy.
I have additional certification in TEACHING FEMALE EJACULATION AND THE G-SPOT… from the leading Author, Sex Educator, Workshop Facilitator & Lecturer on the female G-spot/Prostate and Ejaculation, Deborah Sundahl.
Over the past 7 years, I dove into Jaiya’s Erotic Blueprint™ courses and trainings and graduated in one of the first groups of Certified Erotic Blueprint Coaches™-when it was still taught live by Jaiya. I continue to study with Jaiya in her ongoing Continuing Coach Education. Her body of work has escalated my personal, and my clients, erotic empowerment 1000 fold.
My depth of study and training in the fields of sex and intimate relationships has been to heal my sex and relationship wounding and to help you do so as well.
Experiencing more embodied awakening, sexual energy and love, with and/or without a partner(s), is entirely possible.
Sex and Love are not just for those in a relationship with another.
Our primary relationship is always with ourselves.
To be the Best Lover, we must be our own first.
Having had the majority of my primary past relationship experiences as being traumatic, with both familial and partner abuse and betrayal, I spent most of my years on this planet so far “single”. As I dove deep into healing my self holistically, I discovered how to fully resource myself. I’ve experienced the devastating suffering intimate relationships can be when one or both partners, and/or parents, are not resourced. Such parents or partners usually perpetuate and/or trigger drama and trauma. Whether you are the one unresourced, or you are experiencing an unresourced partner and/or relationship, I can help.
In working with me as your coach, we will explore what your Best Sex & Love Life Vision is, solo and/or partnered, and how to get you there safely, consensually, with integrity, and with the most amount of fun possible 🙂
I know what ecstatic tantric union with conscious loving partners is like, friends with benefits, soulmates, false/evil twin flame shit, polyamorous, same sex, monogamy, monogamish, dating couples, much older as well as 20 years younger men etc. I’ve explored many types of relationships, lifestyles and kinks. I am a strong advocate and ally for each person choosing what works best for them.
I’m living my Best Sex & Love Life by design!
It includes a healthy and secure (Alpha male) monogamish partner, to co-create our lives, playfully, erotically, and easily with. Relating from our inner Knowing, rather than ego based rules.
Steve is also an incredible bodyworker, and specializes in both therapeutic and erotic massage.
He provides sessions privately and we do so together.
We are in what we call a “Creationship” that includes a very strong focus and commitment to Sacred Temple Arts, as part of it!
He’s My Sex God, King & Hero! 🙂
“Your mastery should you choose to receive it is total embodiment of who you are as the living universe.”
~Nicole Gayle
I am committed to a life of co-creation at its best: working with Source/Creator, Universal Laws, Nature, Spirits, (sexual) energy and other playful humans.
“Sex is part of nature. I go along with Nature.” –Marilyn Monroe
More conscious connection to oneself, others, the Earth, and the Cosmos, is how I live and what I can bring to you, too.
Choosing and creating more pleasure, to continue to awaken and evolve more Consciousness, underlies all I do, and AM.
We can stop choosing the drama, trauma and suffering as the only way of living in this reality. We can heal and move through whatever we consider to be “bad” experiences. We can discover, and consciously choose to create and experience more pleasure, with and through our bodies, with others, and with all of existence.
What if the road to healing is paved with more pleasure, not pain?
Haven’t we all had enough pain?
What if we are on this planet to be joyful, instead of miserable?
Awakening, healing and expanding our sexuality is the first step to a more joyous life experience.
This journey begins in our bodies.
My healing journey has led me to be this committed to awakening and expanding energy and consciousness for embodied empowerment and healing, sexually and otherwise.
While having the most PLEASURE possible!
My life and biz motto is: Choose Pleasure As A Way Of Life!
“Find ecstasy within yourself. It is not out there. It is in your innermost flowering. The one you are looking for is you. You are the traveler and you are the destination. In experiencing the ecstasy of your own being, you have achieved the final goal.” –Osho
One last thing about me, I have an exceptionally deep bond with felines.
You could say, my life is dedicated to pussy pleasure, in a variety of ways 🙂
Sacha’s Credentials
Lesley University degree in Liberal Arts http://www.lesley.edu/
MA Goddard College: Health Arts & Sciences http://www.goddard.edu/
ACTE, Advanced Certified Tantric Educator, Source Tantra
Deborah Sundahl’s Female G-Spot & Ejaculation Coach Training
Licensed & Certified Erotic Blueprint Coach™ 
Healing Arts Training & Certifications
Certified In:
Reiki Master, Advance Energy Medicine, Esoteric Healing, Jo-rei, BioGenesis, Touch for Health,
Unlimited Body™
Access Consciousness Bars ™ & Body Processes
Gem & Flower Essence Therapy Consultant
Aroma Touch™ Technique
Herbal Studies
More Trainings In:
Polarity, Vibrational Medicine, Crystal Healing, Meditation, Breathwork, Shamanism, Sound Healing, Soul Song, Exoteric & Esoteric Astrology, Women’s Spirituality, Ancient & Modern Goddess Cultures, Metaphysics, World Religions, Consciousness Studies, The Spiritual Path (advanced courses with The Center For Esoteric Studies now called Spirit Fire
More Access Consciousness™ Classes:
The Foundation, 4-day Sex & Relationship class, individual speciality classes, including Radical Relationships class with Kathy Williams, author of Relationships Done Easy
Talk to the Entities & The Gifts Of The Spirit World with Mohnish Mohlotra
More Tantra, Sex & Relationship Studies & Intensives
Extensive Sexual Healer Training intensive with Julianna Dahl, Paradise at Harmony,
6-month apprenticeships with Source Tantra graduates Dameron Midgett, as well as Lisa Levine-to learn from a male and a female
Sacred Sexuality workshops with Michael Mirdad,
7+ years of practice and workshops in Orgasmic Meditation OM,
Sheri Winston’s Center for the Intimate Arts workshops,
Allison Armstrong’s PAX relationship workshops,
Jaiya’s Erotic Blueprint™ Courses, Erotic Persona Course, Embodied Manifestation Course
Deborah Sundahl’s G-spot/Female Ejaculation Courses Plus Teacher Training
Classes, Events, and Workshops (Facilitated or Assisted)
Full Moon & New Moon (Goddess) special events & meditations,
Reiki Clinic Group & Private Classes,
Spiritual Cinema classes
Sound Healing presenting http://www.theconduitcenter.com/,
Source Tantra Introductory talks, Beginners & Intermediate weekends,
Tantric Intimacy classes,
Female Anatomy of Arousal & Pleasure workshop for women,
Women’s Sacred Healing Sessions (6 month/Once Monthly Group),
An Introduction to Tantra & Sacred Sexuality presenting Michael Mirdad http://www.grailproductions.com
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Creating Ritual to Materialize Your Dreams presenting shaman Kristen Boyer http://www.kristenboyer.com/
Essential Oils and Wellness Presenting Patricia Kaye, Wellness Advocate www.mydoterra.com/sacredtemplearts,
Awakening and Mastering Your Energy workshops: https://sacredtemplearts.com/awaken-master-your-energy-workshop/
Classes for mother’s and daughter’s connection and empowerment.
-I don’t know anyone who knows more intellectually or experientially – or is more committed to the sharing of sacred sexuality than Sacha. When you are with Sacha, you are literally in good hands – with a heart and spirit as big as all purposes. Lucky you!
-Sacha is a naturally nurturing soul. The peace and caring she brings to her practice coupled with a rich but open understanding of Tantra history and possibility have made for deeply relaxing sessions of sensuality and stimulation both mental and physical.
-Sacha has a real warm, sincere presence. She knows how to focus on you and tune in to your needs. And where she practices is an amazingly beautiful, peaceful spot. I felt listened to, and I felt she cared a lot.
-The first thing I noticed about Sacha was the passion she has for her work. She is single focused on sharing the healing power of pleasure during a session. Sacha gives her all and I left feeling healed and loved.
I really feel supported by you in this work. I’m excited to continue on this path and grow deeper. Much gratitude for you showing up, creating and holding safe and open space for me to explore and see myself in. You are a blessing.
Sacha has an essence that empowers and a presence that inspires. I was immediately impressed by what she is giving into the fabric of life. She is touching lives in ways that moves people to embody their own greatness and pursue their sacred purpose. Hers is a path of meaning and merit. Everything about her resonates positively. She sets an example that motivates and liberates.
Do you want more love and better sex?
Do you desire a more satisfying sex, and love life, partnered or not?
Discover how Sacred Temple Arts can help you get the sex & love life you really want!
"Highly sexed people always have a plentiful supply of magnetism."
"Sex desire is the most powerful of all human desires."
"The desire for sexual expression is inborn and natural. The desire cannot, and should not be submerged or eliminated. But it should be given an outlet through forms of expression which enrich the body, mind and spirit."
"Love, Romance, and Sex, are all emotions capable of driving (humans) to super achievement."
- Napoleon Hill
Ready for immediate access to an invaluable intimacy education that will uplevel your sex and love life, partnered or not?
*Check out Sacha’s video courses on HOT Topics such as The Erotic Blueprints™, Tantra, Sexual Healing & Awakening, Becoming A Master Lover, How To Become An Expert Kisser, How To Do Sex Magic, Giving Superior Cunnilingus, Best Fellatio For Her Pleasure, plus informative interviews and SO MUCH MORE! (*previously featured on my Binge network channel) for your…Best Sex & Love Life!
Here’s to your extraordinarily empowering sex education!
*Sacha's Sacred Temple Arts YouTube Channel 50+ videos for...
To Your Overall, Intimate & Erotic, Health, Wellness, Pleasure, Education, Empowerment & Expansion!
"I am getting so much from your videos! They are wonderful. I have been spent the last 2 years searching material from several lightworkers and none ever spoke to me like yours."
"Watched all of the rest of your fellatio videos tonite and shared much with my lover. This is having magnificent results on my confidence and reducing inhibition levels."
*For an introduction to the Erotic Blueprints™ & Sacred Temple Arts in general, click here*...