Sacred Temple Arts Presents Limited Time Special Offers On Coaching, Healing & Bodywork!
by Sacha Fossa | Aug 4, 2015 | Events

Introductory Best Sex & Love Life Coaching sessions for singles and couples. Want More Love & Better Sex in your life now? Learn new skills and practices to increase your energy and potential, in and out of the bedroom. In person and Skype sessions available.
Only $100 for a 1 hour session that includes a homeplay program!
Have more freedom by Accessing More Consciousness in your life! Access Consciousness Bars Sessions™ will help you to feel immediate relief, healing and shifts that no other modality will! Just one session can inspire huge changes in your life. You simply relax clothed on a massage table and receive light touch, mostly on your head. In person only.
$75 for a 1 hour session that can dramatically awaken your energy and change your life!
In need of a soothing and cleansing reboot to your whole body, emotionally and physically? Experience the healing of therapeutic grade essential oils combined with healing energetic touch in an Aroma Touch™ Technique session. This clinical approach to applying essential oils is a profound wellness experience that benefits stress reduction, immune system support, decreasing inflammation and autonomic balance support. In person only.
$75 for a 1 hour session!
Find out more about sessions and programs at
Call us at #978-309-9399
Choose Pleasure As A Way of Life!
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