This post is further information on what to expect at a Sacred Temple Arts session.
It seems that even though I have it clearly stated on my website home page that…
You Receive:
Sex, Intimacy, and Relationship Coaching,
Healing Arts and Therapies including:
Tantra, Energy & Bodywork
…to improve your sex and love life immediately!
This is what makes us so unique and more effective than other marriage and sex therapy, and relationship coaching!
You Get The Best Happy Ending EVER!!!
And no, you won’t get a happy ending tantric massage! I teach it, but I do not provide it! You will get a better sex and love life, and become a sexual master, which is a far happier ending than a quick sexual release! What you will get from me is sexpert coaching, an epic sex education, as well as integrative healing arts, such as tantra, energy, and bodywork. And you will have FUN along the way!
Life can be – and is meant to be – pleasurable, and yes, even orgasmic!
“Orgasm — the energy for the creation of life and the creation of your body. What if your life could be an orgasmic experience? It is the energy of total presence, total awareness, total sensation, whether you’re eating food, eating people, or walking on the beach. It makes your body more alive.” -Access Consciousness™
Your pleasure, and orgasm, is integral to your happiness and fulfilment.
Having better to best sex is about energy and connection, far more than effort!
As well as in the footer of every page on my website…
“Please note there is no nudity, nor illegal sexual acts, in sessions.”
And there is also this Blog post on What To Expect at a Best Sex & Love Life Session.
Despite all my best efforts, I seem to still have male clients confused about proper consultation and session etiquette.
In sessions, and in life, natural erotic energy should be encouraged and not shamed or repressed.
What I mean by this is, I live my life Turned ON. Do you? And this doesn’t mean I go around pushing my sexual energy onto others or expecting others to fulfil any of my sexual desires.
I do not appreciate, and it’s only happened with penis bodies, being asked to provide, or attempting to bribe me, to touch your cock in any way after I have clearly stated that this is NOT PART OF SESSION WORK. Nor do I appreciate being asked if one can basically jerk themselves off in my office or on my table. And I don’t appreciate men who masturbate on the phone during a consultation, or below the camera on a virtual session.
These behaviours indicate that a dude isn’t getting anything I am teaching. I teach how to spread and play with and direct sexual energy. For heightened sexual experiences, and more. I teach one to become a Master Lover.
Do you want to be just a f***er?
Or do you want to BE A MASTER LOVER? 
I assign customized and resource full homeplay for clients to have all their self-pleasure (masturbation) and all other nudity and genitally specific practices to be done OUTSIDE OF MY HOME/OFFICE.
I also teach how to respect, honour, and worship, the Goddess. Behaviours such as the ones described above are a direct dishonouring of my energy, time, boundaries, expertise, body, safety, and environment. It is also disrespecting, and upsetting, to any other men I happen to have in my life as lovers and/or partners, as well.
Here is the best program for men that I offer that will lead to sexual mastery and feminine reverence...Go to this page and scroll down for
Be A King, Hero, & Sex God
I am not judging or condemning the men that have behaved in ways that went against my boundaries and consent, in terms of them putting their wanting to have a physical ejaculatory climax over my professional and legal desires and needs. I am a highly sexual person who also likes to get off when I want to. And, I teach how to play with and spread the energy instead of putting it on another person to take care of for you. Be with the energy, man. Learn to ride the waves of the bliss of energetic orgasms through your entire being, not just your little head. And yes I can teach you how to do this without actually touching your cock!
I realize that it can be highly confusing to some that I don’t offer hands-on sexual services. I am trained in them. I may have offered in the past when I was fresh out of tantra school and incredibly naive. I actually LOVE sexual healer work, and I am a natural born Sexual Healer. I support safe consensual sex work. I believe prostitution should be legal. I personally wish I could get myself happy ending, or FBSM (full body sensual massage), or tantric massage sessions, legally and easily, by highly trained professionals that would not break my boundaries and/or traumatize me.
I am also trained in tantra, and I do energy and bodywork clothing on, so that can be confusing when many of the tantra session work happening is focused primarily on sexual arousal with direct physical stimulation, such as with Sacred Spot Massage work. I wrote a 300-page dissertation for my Masters (in Health Arts & Sciences) on the practice of Female Sacred Spot Massage as a viable healing technique. That’s how dedicated I am to Sacred Spot Massage practices. And, it’s illegal for me to give you if you are a client. So don’t ask for one. And, please don’t ask me to refer you to other practitioners for. There is a law against that, too. It’s called “Pandering”.
I also caution those exploring illegal sex services, as clearly we see what just happened with the Patriot’s coach. I’ve had clients come to me after receiving sexual tantra sessions from untrained, or ill-trained, practitioners that overran their boundaries and/or sexual energy, and left the client feeling traumatized and/or unstable. I’ve experienced this first hand, as well, as the receiver in a session.
Another topic I am big on teaching, is transparency between partners. I am always shocked how many men report to me that they regularly go to happy ending parlours, get sexual massages (off, for example, a site like Craig’s list that once had available), and/or go to other tantrikas that offer FBSM. My last partner was such a man. Who lied to me about most of his sexcapades that he chose deliberately to do behind my back. I did not like this, to say the least. Would you like it if your partner did to you?
If you are in a sexless relationship or marriage, I understand the need to have sexual needs met in some way. I encourage having the real conversations that can happen between partners to create agreements about intimacy, with each other, and/or others, effectively. And in integrity.
Currently, more female bodies are beginning to look for paid sexual session work that involves genital massage. I included Pamela Madsen’s book in my academic and personal research on…
Shameless: How I Ditched the Diet, Got Naked, Found True Pleasure…and Somehow Got Home in Time To Cook Dinner…
“A funny, sexy, and wildly entertaining look at the rewards of fully realized desire in the life of one ordinary woman.
At 43 years old, Pamela Madsen was happily married to the man she fell in love with at 17. She was the mother of two sons and had a successful career as a nationally known advocate for fertility issues. But she felt a growing sexual restlessness and yearning that wouldn’t let up. And though Pamela loved her husband and didn’t want to have an affair, she knew deep down that she needed more, much more. In Shameless, she tells the story of how she found it—and not only kept her marriage intact but made it stronger than ever.
In this fearless memoir, Pamela tells the story of her search for sexual, personal, and spiritual wholeness. She explores, in riveting detail, what she experienced at the hands of sexual healers, men who brought her untold pleasure (and became her close friends in the process).
But this is not just another sex book: Shameless is also an account of how Pamela’s journey healed her issues with food and body image and most important, helped her weave the many roles that she played—daughter, friend, partner, mother—into one fully integrated person. It is a story about a woman falling in love with herself and a call to other women to do the same.”
In the epically awesome new sex-positive and highly educational show called Slutever (on Viceland), Karley Sciortino investigates how to get a female Happy Ending, sexological bodywork, and tantric massage.
In my ideal world, we would have no sexual shame or repression. We would have healthy sexual expression. And safe sexual healers and sexological bodyworkers that we could legally pay for their invaluable services.
In my newsletters, some social media posts, and blogs, I reference my personal experience and practices of OM (Orgasmic Meditation), Sacred Spot Massage, Erotic Persona play and more. These experiences are my personal sexcapades with consenting adult partners, and colleagues, NOT CLIENTS. There is no money exchanged.
When I first began my practice, I made the mistake of having a client, that after coming to me once, decided to hunt me as a partner. It was a totally horrific disaster. I will never compromise my ethics and make such a mistake again. He seriously needed me as a coach and educator. Instead, he never actually learned, and he repeated the same harmful lies and covert sexual experiences and behaviours he perpetuated during his marriage, in his relationship with me. If you come to me as a client, know ahead you will never date me. I am still learning from my past mistakes.
When I was learning tantra, a huge part of the learning was my being the live demo for classes. And watching live demos. Nothing can take the place of such a live experience. With that said, I may be willing to do live demos (that yes involve nudity (of the receiver) and hands-on sexual touch, as part of more advanced classes that happen in someone’s home, or at adult parties. What this looks like is that I bring a non-client, consenting adult friend and/or playmate/partner, who will be the receiver of the session. Which generally they receive laying down on a massage table. I will have my clothes on, and I will be providing one-way touch to my receiver friend, for educational purposes. If you are interested in hosting such an experience, contact me to discuss. In such events, the audience must be respectful and clothed (unless it’s a nudist party), and willing to hold the space for the live demo as I will instruct them to.
Some of these class possibilities include: For larger groups: Essential Oils To Boost Libido & For Hotter Sex, Sex Products You Probably Haven’t Considered, Erotic Blueprint Discovery & Play: What Are Your Sex Languages?, Tantra Techniques To Immediately Uplevel Your Sex, Love, & Whole Life, Sex Magic, Erotic Nourishment. How To Feed Yourself And Your Partner: Erotic Games, Cannabis For An Even Sexier Sexcapades, For more intimate smaller parties: Awakening The Goddess: Female Sacred Spot Massage, Awakening The Male G-Spot: Prostate Massage For Men, Best Fellatio For Her Pleasure, Superior Cunnilingus.
These classes or events do not take place at Sacred Temple Arts. My home temple space/office is a legally run business with no nudity and/or illegal sexual acts and/or demonstrations. What takes place in your own home amongst consenting adults is your private business.
Any and all touch that takes place in my office/healing space is consensual clothing-on therapeutic touch I am certified in providing. I have over 20 certifications in such healing arts therapies. You can read about each individual session offering here…
I am a highly sexually alive and vibrant being who runs orgasmic energy almost all the time. It’s my Turn on that fuels and inspires me, it’s my greatest muse. I will not repress or deny my most natural state in a session. There is nothing you need to do to take away and/or add to this state of being that is how I live. In my presence, you may catch on to this energy and have your own sparked, and there is nothing you will need to do to take away and/or add to this state in your own body. We will communicate openly and directly about your (since this is your session) sexual energy and/or arousal in session, and I can teach you the art of Sexual Transmutation. The most powerful tool in existence when it comes to creation, invention, accomplishment, creativity, advancement, and achievement. Napoleon Hill talked about the Transmutation of Sexual Energy in his ground-breaking book Think and Grow Rich. Essentially, the desire or urge for sexual expression is natural and inborn and it should not be suppressed or eliminated. Instead, it should be given an additional beneficial outlet. Sex transmutation is re-directing the mind from thoughts of physical expression to thoughts of another creative effort. According to Hill, doing this has the potential to “transform mediocrity into genius.”
I will take genius over mediocrity any day.
That’s my kind of Happy Ending.
“Sexualness – is about having that energy of gifting and receiving. It’s the energy of life, what you feel in nature, no judgment. It’s the energy of the gift that bodies are, the enjoyment that they are, the gratitude for them, the contribution that they are, the contribution that their movement is and invites others to. Sexualness is the healing, caring, nurturing, joyful, creative, generative, expansive and orgasmic energy.”
-Access Consciousness™