Choose Pleasure As A Way of Life & A Pathway To More Consciousness!
Sacred Temple Arts are designed to expand your sexual health and wellbeing through more consciousness & pleasure!
Why Choose More Organic & Orgasmic Pleasure As A Way of Life?
It’s the most important first steps to getting the best sex, love and life you want. We have been trained that life is meant to be hard and that by sacrificing and suffering we somehow become redeemed for god-only-knows-what.
Join a new paradigm that puts your pleasure and innate organic consciousness first, because when you are more aligned to both, you create and attract a life far greater than what this reality shows us.
Recently a colleague told me they generated 40 new blog posts in a week for their website using Chat GPT, That may work for them. I choose to create my own content.
I will never send you AI generated marketing, and/or newsletters or blogs based on.
Join my community of passionate consciousness expanding pleasure enthusiasts!
Subscribe now to receive stimulating articles, updates and posts to increase your organic and orgasmic pleasure for your best sex & love life, and overall life, yet!

What To Expect At A Session
*Sacred Temple Arts offers programs virtually in the comfort of your home and/or in-person in downtown Newburyport, MA. *Open only by appointment* Sacred Temple Arts' Best Sex & Love Life Sessions and Programs are customized, intuitive, dynamic and evolving....
A lovely synopsis of Sacred Temple Arts from the local Chamber of Commerce
A most recent write up and promotion of Sacred Temple Arts from the local Chamber Of Commerce... Sacred Temple Arts (STA): Providing One-Of-A-Kind Custom Designed Programs for Overall, Intimate, and Erotic Health, Wellness, and Pleasure! About Sacred Temple Arts...

Sacred Temple Arts (STA): Providing One Of A Kind Custom Designed Programs For Your Overall, Intimate & Erotic Health, Wellness, Pleasure & Expansion!
What makes Sacred Temple Arts so different than other coaching, educational and healing programs? STA sessions and programs give clients the keys to creating more of what they want, in and out of the bedroom. Assisting them in creating the relationship lifestyle and...

A Call For Sexual Sovereignty, With Integrity, Now!
The patriarchal war on non-white men's bodies, especially women's and trans bodies, sexual autonomy, patient rights, consent, and reproductive freedom continues to rage. Claiming sexual sovereignty is still only most available to the privileged elite worldwide. Even...

Can I Get A Happy Ending?
This post is further information on what to expect at a Sacred Temple Arts session. It seems that even though I have it clearly stated on my website home page that... You Receive: Sex, Intimacy, and Relationship Coaching, Healing Arts and Therapies including: ...

A Blog post I contributed to my latest greatest teacher and coach (of the Erotic Blueprints™), Jaiya's Blog... Here's how she introduced it... "Want to know a secret to unlocking sexual mastery? If someone asked you what it takes to be a masterful lover, what...

Becoming S*xually Empowered With The Erotic Blueprints™
These days I am getting my Sexy On in new and exciting, for me, ways, daily.You can, too!Whether it's running the energy of a thunderstorm (orgasmically) through my body, taking a long luxurious sensual bath, self-pleasuring with great variety, having new...
Do you want more love and better sex?
Do you desire a more satisfying sex, and love life, partnered or not?
Discover how Sacred Temple Arts can help you get the sex & love life you really want!