Isn't It Time For Your Sexual Awakening, Healing
& Liberation?
Let's Get You 
“You provide a great service. Sexuality is so important but it’s one of those topics people cringe over, you help to get it out from under the sheets.”
"Ok, so we haven’t stopped making love since I got home. Yesterday we started making love around 10 am and we just finished about 5 minutes ago. My wife is AMAZING. The whole day and night and morning were dedicated to pleasure. I highly recommend. Thank you for teaching us!"
Why hire me?
We get coaches to help build our bodies, build our businesses, be better athletes, help us with our money. Many invest in relationship coaching or therapy.
It is not frivolous to hire a coach for better sex and intimacy! These are usually necessary for a happy and healthy body, relationships and life!
Plus, having great sex often extends your lifespan, makes you look younger, helps balance your hormones and it’s just plain fun!
Let's face it, most sex (and relationship) education is abysmal, or non-existent.
Most people are stumbling around in the dark about sex, intimacy and relationships. Society has designed it that way. Inciting shame and even inverting the actual facts and realties of positive and accurate sex and relationship educations.
Don’t most of us really desire an amazing sex and love life?
Whatever that looks like to us! Each individual is so unique in.
It depends greatly on factors such as their Love Languages, Erotic Wiring (aka Erotic Blueprints), Attachment Styles and more in my program offerings.
If you want to be an incredible lover, or an even more incredible lover...
learning to be so to oneself is paramount!
Yet what education did you receive about that?
I’ve been at this a long time and I am constantly learning, practicing and expanding in the intimate and erotic arts.
What’s been your education so far?…
School biology class (in U.S. schools they are not even required to be medically accurate in what they teach)?
Your friends and peers? Religion? Porn?
Did they teach you anything about actual relating and/or pleasure?
I can provide you with a sex, intimacy and relationship education and IQ that is 99% above the rest of humanities.
-Raise your awareness so you become attuned to your own turn-ons and those of your lover
-Help you get embodied if you have a problem getting connected and feeling your own pleasure
-Bridge the gap between you and lover’s different erotic styles, aka Erotic Blueprints™ and use the Blueprints to help you break through “sexual incompatibility”
-Teach you new skills and practices to constantly increase your turn on and sexual satisfaction
-Increase your confidence in the bedroom
-Discover and breakthrough any emotional, biochemical, bio-energetic or physical blocks keeping you from having what you want
-Hold you accountable for you to get the satisfaction you crave
-Prioritize your pleasure!
Why not prioritize your pleasure and connection with others, intimately and erotically?
Many are skeptical at first about whether working with a sex coach would be worth the money or the time.
And those unwilling to make such an investment will not experience a whole new way of life and being, that makes life ecstatically worth living!
In the U.S. almost all coaching in the realm of sex has to be hands-off, because of the laws (how crazy is that).
Yet I have a proven system for success has methods to teach and give you embodied learning without any hands-on work.
I provide hands on work, too, for those who want/need it.
Sex, intimacy and relationship coaches come in all different forms. Some not at all informed by trauma, tantra, real sex and relationship education, healing arts and actual wellness. All of which I am highly trained in. Except I am more trauma informed and my training also came more from personal severe trauma of many types, and my ongoing healing of such.
and my training in came from personal severe trauma and the managing and ongoing healing of such.
Working with a Sex Coach like myself, is far more than just about sex 🙂
We will take a holistic approach to your overall, intimate and erotic health, wellness and pleasure!
For your embodied education, empowerment, expansion and
Ecstatic Living!
"Sacha has so much learning, training, and experience in many different modalities that can heal, guide, coach, and instruct, in everything from Holistic healing, relationship building, uncovering long-unused libido, updating and fine-tuning and enhancing intimacy techniques, all building ur self-confidence and self-worth. I’m a 77-year-old VietNam combat veteran, and we all brought back a lot of stuff. Sacha has been able to reach places, and demons, 20 years of therapy and drugs did not touch at all. She’s helped me recover from a lengthy, empty relationship, helped me shed blame, and look forward to a hope-filled future. I can never repay all she’s done."
#1 Choose Best Sex & Love Life Coaching
Sacha's specialty intimate wellness and empowerment coaching, education, & healing arts
Sacha’s signature custom coaching and educational sessions and programs generally have healing arts therapies interwoven.
These healing arts modalities can also be chosen as their own unique custom designed wellness program.
*(see more below on)*
#2 Erotic Blueprint™ Coaching
These specific Erotic Breakthrough™ Programs are part of your Erotic Mastery through (Jaiya’s) Erotic Blueprints™.
These are for those who desire an in-depth curriculum with Jaiya's video classes, personal coaching with me, and even access to a community of erotic adventurers. All evolving around the Erotic Blueprints as pathways to more pleasure and an expansive erotic life.
Erotic Blueprint Offerings
Become an Erotic Master with the 5 Sexual Types!

Healing Arts
Programs For Your Intimate & Overall Wellness & Wellbeing!
Learn to consciously move more energy through your body, releasing blocks and inspiring natural healing and optimal health. Healing Arts Therapies will help you to remove limitations and open up new possibilities. You will organically begin to function more as the whole, powerful, conscious, sexually alive, orgasmic being you are at your core!
*Click on each to learn more about*
Your pathway and practice for sexual healing, empowerment, pleasure, and yes, even enlightenment.
Professional Cuddling
nurturing non-sexual therapeutic connection.
Intuitive Bodywork & Energy Healing
for your overall, as well as sexual, wellbeing.
Access Consciousness Bars™ & Body Processes™
will expand your Consciousness, expand your sex, expand your relationships, expand your life.
Unlimited Body™
to release limitations, create more ease, and develop joyful embodiment.
AromaTouch® Technique & Essential Oils For Intimacy
clinical application massage technique, plus tools for your health, wellness and pleasure.
Gem & Flower Essence Therapy
custom elixirs to support transformation and (sexual) health and wellbeing challenges.
Meditation & Breathwork
best sex skills for your best sex ever, plus many more benefits.
Intuitive Readings
for more sex and relationship awareness, and alignment.
(Spirit) Entity Education, Communication & Clearingl
ife altering, giving and saving awareness education and skills
Law of Attraction & Sex Magic
life skills and practices working with energy and attraction.
Hypnotherapy/Hypnosis Audio's
And MORE Intimacy & Wellness Coaching & Education!
Private Classes
*previously offered group classes are now offered privately*
Examples of class topics include: healing arts and intimacy, learn your sex languages (aka Erotic Blueprints™), tantric intimacy, the art of kissing, Valentine's Day special classes, sensual and sexual awakening and empowerment for women, manifesting with law of attraction, tantra and sex magic, awakening and mastering your energy, and essential oils and wellness.
Check some of them out here...
Do you want more love and better sex?
Do you desire a more satisfying sex, and love life, partnered or not?
Discover how Sacred Temple Arts can help you get the sex & love life you really want!
"Highly sexed people always have a plentiful supply of magnetism."
"Sex desire is the most powerful of all human desires."
"The desire for sexual expression is inborn and natural. The desire cannot, and should not be submerged or eliminated. But it should be given an outlet through forms of expression which enrich the body, mind and spirit."
"Love, Romance, and Sex, are all emotions capable of driving (humans) to super achievement."
- Napoleon Hill
Ready for immediate access to an invaluable intimacy education that will uplevel your sex and love life, partnered or not?
*Check out Sacha’s video courses on HOT Topics such as The Erotic Blueprints™, Tantra, Sexual Healing & Awakening, Becoming A Master Lover, How To Become An Expert Kisser, How To Do Sex Magic, Giving Superior Cunnilingus, Best Fellatio For Her Pleasure, plus informative interviews and SO MUCH MORE! (*previously featured on my Binge network channel) for your…Best Sex & Love Life!
Here’s to your extraordinarily empowering sex education!
*Sacha's Sacred Temple Arts YouTube Channel 50+ videos for...
To Your Overall, Intimate & Erotic, Health, Wellness, Pleasure, Education, Empowerment & Expansion!
"I am getting so much from your videos! They are wonderful. I have been spent the last 2 years searching material from several lightworkers and none ever spoke to me like yours."
"Watched all of the rest of your fellatio videos tonite and shared much with my lover. This is having magnificent results on my confidence and reducing inhibition levels."
*For an introduction to the Erotic Blueprints™ & Sacred Temple Arts in general, click here*...