Choose Pleasure As A Way of Life & A Pathway To More Consciousness!
Sacred Temple Arts are designed to expand your sexual health and wellbeing through more consciousness & pleasure!
Why Choose More Organic & Orgasmic Pleasure As A Way of Life?
It’s the most important first steps to getting the best sex, love and life you want. We have been trained that life is meant to be hard and that by sacrificing and suffering we somehow become redeemed for god-only-knows-what.
Join a new paradigm that puts your pleasure and innate organic consciousness first, because when you are more aligned to both, you create and attract a life far greater than what this reality shows us.
Recently a colleague told me they generated 40 new blog posts in a week for their website using Chat GPT, That may work for them. I choose to create my own content.
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New Year, Sexier You? Isn’t It Time To Improve Your Sex Life? If Single, too!
Commit To Getting Sexier This Year. Really, Why The Hell Not? Single, Sexless, &/Or Partnered. It's Never Too Late To Connect To Your Unique Eroticism. At the end of 2018, I found myself crushed that my 2018 Best Sex &...
#MeToo in Tantra, my apology, and tools for consent.
Recently, I had an experience of a male breaking a clearly stated boundary I had, in what was meant to be a sexual healing session. At first I pretended it wasn't upsetting and tried to rationalize the situation away. It wasn't long before my body insisted otherwise....
How Can I Have My Best Sex & Love Life When I Am Single?
I did not want to be single when I turned 40. I wanted to be married, and experiencing my Best Sex and Love Life ever! It turned out I was not with the right partner for that. Now I must trust - as the spiritually aligned, aware, and conscious being I AM - that the...
Learn How To Radiate Sexy!
True sexiness lives inside your body, not on the outside. I haven’t always been this sexy. Well actually I was born SEXY; a totally orgasmic little bundle of JOY as we all really are in the beginning. But somewhere around early adolescence, as my body started...

What Kinds Of Orgasms Are You Having?
Orgasms Oh My!...so many types to be had! Isn't it time to expand your orgasms? Orgasms no longer need be the equivalent of a good pelvic sneeze. Nothing is wrong with pelvic sneezes, and an occasional one can bring great relief to some pent up tension, emotions and...

Manifest Your Desires Using Law Of Attraction Skills, Tantra & Sex Magic
Come learn Law of Attraction skills, Tantra practices, and Sex Magic rituals as a means to ignite your manifesting mojo! You can create your life the way you want it. Your life is meant to be filled with pleasure! As a woman (this class if for women only), your...
Take Our Survey For A Chance To Win A 1 Hour Skype Session
Please Share Your Thoughts for a Chance to Win a 1 Hour Skype Session with Sacred Temple Arts Did you know that July 28 is National Milk Chocolate Day? Now I prefer my chocolate dark only, but regardless as to what your favorite kind is… Why do we love chocolate so...

Manifesting Your Dreams with the Law Of Attraction, Tantra & Sex Magic: New Class!
Do you have desires and visions that you want to ground into reality? Learn how to manifest by combining Law Of Attraction life skills, ancient and modern Tantra, and Sex Magic to unleash and embody your greatest powers, and bring your dreams to life! I am offering...

Some of Sacha’s Favorite Resources for Healing & Empowerment!
Lately, a lot of friends, family and clients have been going through some really heavy shit. Personally and collectively times have been tough. So I am sharing with you some of my favorite healing and empowerment resources. Having been expanding my consciousness...
Do you want more love and better sex?
Do you desire a more satisfying sex, and love life, partnered or not?
Discover how Sacred Temple Arts can help you get the sex & love life you really want!